Journalist on hunger strike Turay: We continue with determination


ANKARA - Journalist Abdulkadir Turay, who has been on a hunger strike for 68 days against the absolute isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, said they will continue with the determination of the first day until the isolation ends completely.

One of the thousands of prisoners on hunger strikes demanding an end to the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, journalist Abdulkadir Turay, sent a message through his lawyers on his protest.
Turay said he saluted all who fight the isolation in and outside prisons and added: “We know that the way it will be possible for us to carry our voice to those who should hear is through the resistance of the free journalists. We have no doubt that all journalist friends whose hearts beat with us will work tirelessly to amplify our voice outside. I believe we will prevail together.”
Turay said the message from Ocalan that was announced via his lawyers yesterday created great excitement among prisoners and added, pointing to the declaration that the hunger strikes will continue: “The visit was of course important and valuable. But we all know that our demands have not been met.”
Turay continued: “Our protest will continue with the same determination as day 1 until the isolation ends. We have full faith that we will prevail. I wish everyone success.”
His lawyers said Turay has lost 12 kilos in 68 days of his hunger strike.
Turay is on a hunger strike together with over 100 prisoners including journalists Cetin Kursun and Ugur Akgul. He had been arrested in Savur, Mardin on May 9, 2016.
The case against Dicle News Agency (DIHA) reporter Abdulkadir Turay and 9 others for “aiding and abetting a terrorist organization” and “membership to a terrorist organization” was concluded on September 27. Turay was sentenced to 9 years in prison for “membership to a terrorist organization” on anonymous witness accounts and notes he took for articles he was writing.

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