Demirtaş criticizes Supreme Court: Why can't you see what commanders did in Sur and Cizre

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  • 12:59 2 August 2019
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NEWS DESK - HDP former Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş, reminding of the military officials that has responsibility of the destruction of the cities during the curfews, asked: "How can you believe that the same soldiars bombed the parliament on July 15, did not kill any civillians during the curfews in Sur and Cizre?"
Demirtaş tweeted the followings: "Hello, I hope you are all well. We, as always are quite alright. While the peace academics decision of the Supreme Court (AYM) is being discussed in terms of law, I wanted to contribute with a political reminder.
I have said many times that some security units were using excessive force and targeting civilians directly during the trench / barricade operations. Of course, we had made a great effort not to be a partner to this crime and also to stop it.
Those who do not know the background and insight of what happened in that period continue to say that the security forces are unjustly accused and that ‘terrorist propaganda' is being made this way.
Look at who those people selflessly protecting the commanders who gave the orders of those operations and where were they: 
* 2 nd Army Commander Gen. Adem Huduti, who was working in Cizre and Sur operations: He was arrested for the 15 July coup attempt.
* 2nd Army Chief of Staff Major General Avni Argun: Arrested for 15 July coup attempt.
* Yüksekova 3rd Tactical Infantry Division Commander Major General Halil İbrahim Ergin: He was arrested on 15 July coup attempt.
* Semdinli 34th Border Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ali Salnur: He was arrested on 15 July coup attempt.
* Yüksekova 3rd Infantry Division Chief of Staff Colonel Mehmet Sezgin: He was arrested on 15 July coup attempt.
* Sirnak 23rd Gendarmerie Border Division Commander Major General Abdullah Baysar: Arrested for the July 15 coup attempt.
* Şırnak Çakırsöğüt Gendarmerie Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ali Osman Gürcan: He was arrested on 15 July coup attempt.
* Brigadier General Semih Terzi: He was in charge in Şırnak. He was killed in a coup attempt on 15 July.
In addition, Devlet Bahceli would have noticed the situation a bit too late, and he felt obliged to make a statement on this subject, he said:  "When the events started in SOUTHEAST, I immediately stated that martial law should be declared there. But as it turns outi I'm glad they didn't listen to me. Because we thought that those commanders were fighting terrorism there when they were planning a coup. It would have been a disaster if they had the authority martial law gives them. (The interview of Hürriyet Newspaper Ertuğrul Özkök with Devlet Bahçeli on October 13, 2018.)

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