QSD General Commander Ebdi: We did not acceot the agreement between Turkey and Russia as it is

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  • 08:43 25 October 2019
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NEWS CENTER - The Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Mazloum Abdi indicated that they had expressed their position on the Turkey-Russia Agreement to Russia, and that they had reservations on some items that did not serve the interests of the people. Noting that the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation army continued to violate the ceasefire, he called on the guarantor countries to shoulder their responsibilities towards these breaches.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, held a press conference in al-Hasakah on the latest developments in the region, especially the issue of the ceasefire and the Sochi Agreement, and a number of international and local media outlets attended.
'We did not agree with Turkey, rather, there is only ceasefire, and the Turkish-backed mercenaries violate it'
Mazloum Abdi pointed out that so far, there had been no agreement with Turkey, only there was a ceasefire which the factions of the Turkish state violated, as they continued launching attacks. He called on the guarantor countries to cease fire and afford responsibility towards these violations.
Mazloum Abdi pointed out that the United States did not stop the Turkish attack militarily, and wanted to stop the Turkish attack economically and diplomatically by imposing sanctions that were positive to some extent, especially in forcing Turkey to cease fire. He continued, "The Turkish attacks continue, and this is America and the President Trump's responsibility. Our relations with the Americans in eastern Syria continue, and we are going to ask them to avoid the past mistakes."
'Our relations with US continue, especially about eliminating ISIS'
Abdi noted that during the telephone conversation between him and the US President, he had thanked Trump for his attempts to stop the Turkish attack, pointing out that "Trump assured him the staying of US forces for a long and indefinite time, and currently, they being repositioned in the region, explaining that they are discussing the next steps and how to cooperate between the two parties, especially in the process of eliminating the sleeper cells of ISIS mercenaries."
He added, "No single force can find a solution for Syria. The American presence will be effective in finding a political solution and the President Trump has confirmed that."
'About 400,000 people forcibly displaced due to Turkish attacks'
The Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces made clear that as a result of the Turkish attack on the region, nearly 400 thousand residents of the region had forcibly displaced by the Turkish bombing of the cities.
'We have reservations on provisions that do not serve our people's interest'
With regard to the agreement announced between Turkey and Russia, Abdi said that they gave their answer to Russia on this agreement, and that they informed Russia of their demands. He added, "We did not agree on the ten items, we have points to reserve because they do not serve our people."
He added, "We gave a final answer to Russia today. We told them our requests and the points that we reserve in the Sochi Agreement. The Turkish-Russian Agreement came against our people's interest, and we were not a part of it because our people's interest is more important."
'The common patrols marched, and our people's issues will be discussed'
Addressing the joint patrols, Mazloum Abdi said that the patrols were going in Kobanê, Manbij, and Dirbasiya, but the issues related to the people would be discussed, and they would not leave their people without force to protect them and their will."
'5 ISIS elements fled the prison in the result of Turkey's attack, and we dominate all prisons'
Mazloum Abdi noted that as a result of the Turkish bombing of one of the prisons that included ISIS mercenaries in the city of Qamishlo, five mercenaries had fled. At the same time, he confirmed that they controlled all the prisons where ISIS mercenaries were present and no one else had escaped.
Abdi stressed that the file of the detainees of ISIS mercenaries and their families was at the hands of the SDF and they were responsible for them only in cooperation with the countries that helped SDF in the region, and in the future it would be the responsibility of the forces that would be in northeastern Syria. He said, "Neither Turkey nor Russia nor the regime is concerned over this."
'SDF support the political solution in Syria'
Abdi made clear that SDF supported the political solution in Syria provided that it would have a privacy within the Syrian army, and they remained on their position.
Abdi thanked all supporters, and said, "We thank all the countries that supported us, the US Congress and those who supported our people. We thank the Kurdish people in the four parts of Kurdistan. We call on the Kurdish political forces to support and resist SDF. We have great opportunities to triumph with the presence of our forces.''
'We do not trust Turkey, our people are still in danger'
Abdi pointed out, "We never trust Turkey, they will continue their offensive when they have the opportunity. The Turkish offensive is still going on and the future of our people is in danger. We want the continuation of the international support to reach a conclusion that ends the war and protects the people of the region."

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