Mothers told about their daughters: Sêvê, Fatma and Pakize was life itself

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  • 12:37 3 January 2020
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ŞIRNAK - 4 years have passed after the murder of 3 female politicians in Silopi during the curfews. While there is no developments in the case which has a confidentiality order, the families, still suffering, are waiting for the perpetrators to stand trial.

4 years have passed after the murder of 3 female politicians, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) PM member Sêvê Demir, Free Women's Congress (KJA) member Fatma Uyar and Silopi People's Assembly Co-Chair Pakize Nayır who were all shot by fire opened from an armoured vehicle on January 4 2016 while they were trying to get to another neighborhood. No single perpetrator has ever been tried for the murder of the 3 Kurdish female politicians.
Families who are still suffering are waiting for the perpetrators to stand trial. Mothers of the female politicians reiterated their demand for justice and told about the struggle of their daughters.
Mother Hatice Uyar, talking about her daughter, said that she missed her so much and it is still so hard to talk about her. Mother Uyar stating that she was never able to spend a lot of time with her daughter when she was alive, said: "She joined the party at 12. She was arrested 3-4 years later and she was kept there for 5 years and 3 months. She came to Silopi when she was released and she lost her life there during the curfews. Mother Uyar stating that it is impossible to forget about what happened, said: "I will remember her struggle as long as I live. I will follow her path. We are so proud of her. She shed a light on our path. I am feeling the same pain everytime I visit her grave. She is on my mind day and night."
Behiye Nayır, mother of Pakize Nayır who reacts to the fact that their murderers were never revealed, said no matter how many years passes by they will not desist from their demand and that their suffering will never end. Mother Nayır said: "Pakize was a excellent human being both at home and at the party. She was hardworking. She had a shop, she provided for the family. She started engaging with politics and she was successful. She was a civillian women working with HDP and she was shot. These people did not deserve being killed."
Mother Nayır, once again demanding the detection of the perpetrators of her daughter, said: "They don't even allow us to demand the detection of my daughters perpetrators. They sue us the minute we mention her name."
Sakine Demir, mother of Sêvê Demir said: "She was a public spirited person and she knew her culture well. She joined the struggle when she was just 12. She did not dream of getting married like the other women. She stood with her people. Sêvê walked this path because she wanted justice, peace, unity. She did not want any more mothers crying over the dead bodies of their children. She wanted the massacres stopped. She joined this struggle because she did not want to see any more people displaced. Sêvê said women must join this struggle for themselves."
Mother Demir who drew attention to the fact that her daughter was shot shortly after being released from prison, stated that the whole world witnessed those days. Mother Demir said: "The women must hold each others hands and unite. Enough is enough. Peace will come one day no matter how long they keep killing us.. Let the dark clouds be gone from the top of this country and let peace come to these lands."

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