Students of the dorm where the people coming from Omra were placed, spent the night out

  • actual
  • 12:05 16 March 2020
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ANKARA - The students who were removed from their dormitories where the people coming from Omra were placed, stating that they were removed from their rooms with the pretext of disinfecting the dorm rooms, said: "Our belongings are still in there. Many of our friends had to spend the night out on the street."
Within the scope of the measures taken against coronavirus (Kovid-19), more than 10 thousand people returning from the Omra, were placed in the Credit and Dormitories Institution (KYK) in Ankara and Konya following their health screening. The students, who were not informed about the situation in question, had to leave the dormitory without an opportunity to collect their belongings with the announcement made at night.
A student who stayed at the National Will Dormitory of KYK in Ankara, which is one of the dormitories where those who returned from the Omra were placed, reacted to the situation and said they were victimized. The student who told that they were lied to and removed from the dorms with false pretences, said: "They told us we could come back anytime we want. Therefore I did not collect all my belongings. I packed a bag and went home and learned that my friends staying at the dorm were kicked out.The news on TV channels say that the students were informed about the situation. It is a lie.They were kicked out. My belongings are back at the dorm. I wouldn't leave my stuff there if I had known that it was going to be closed down. I don't plan to go back there. No matter how important my stuff is. We were victimized.
Nuriye Kartal, who stayed in Martyr Special Operations Girls' Dormitory, another dormitory in Gölbaşı, where those who come from Omra is placed, said: "What's going to happen now? We all have questions in our minds. It was my living space all my books and clothes are there. They brought these people in and placed them in our rooms while our wardrobes are open and all our stuff are there. They made announcements to empty the dormitories and did not allow anyone to even collect their belongings. All my friends spent the night on the streets. Everyone is victimized. I am going back home tomorrow and I only have one bag and a jacket. I was left out on the street like that."

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