DISK, KESK, TMMOB and TTB launch petition demanding immediate measures

ANKARA - DISK, KESK, TMMOB and TTB are collecting signatures on the proposal called "7 measures to protect public health, work and vaccine in effective fight against the coronavirus outbreak".
The Revolutionary Workers Unions Confederation (DISK), Public Workers Unions Confederation (KESK), Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), and the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), are collecting signature on their proposal to protect public health.
The text reads: "We, the following confederations, unions, chambers, bar associations, associations, democratic mass organizations and initiatives, political parties and individuals, will take the urgency of the following 7 measures to protect the public health, work and vaccine to effectively combat the Covid-19 outbreak. We want to remind once again that it as a historical responsibility to warn the Government to do what is necessary before is too late."
The 7 demands are as follows:
"* Work must be stopped immediately during the epidemic in all sectors except those producing basic, compulsory and urgent goods and services.
* During the epidemic, layoffs should be banned, small tradesmen should be supported, employees should be given paid leave, and unemployed should be entitled to unemployment benefits.
* Consumer, housing and vehicle loans, credit card debts and electricity, water, natural gas and communication bills should be postponed during the epidemic risk without interests.
* In this process, private health institutions should be brought under public control, citizens' access to health services should be completely free of charge, without exception and without preconditions.
* Strict discipline should be applied in coordination to combat the epidemic, and scientific approach and information should be shared in an open and transparent way. A scientific-widespread-equitable process, involving the results of the Kovid-19 tests, should be established, and the results explained quickly.
* Shortages for physicians, healthcare and municipal employees, as well as protective equipment in all compulsory works should be eliminated, confidence should be given that there will be no disruption and everyone working in these works should be tested regularly.
* With respect to disadvantaged groups during epidemic periods, legal arrangements should be put in place to protect their lives and health. These measures should include the poor, immigrants and prisoners who have no income."
To sign the petition:  http://disk.org.tr/2020/03/disk-kesk-tmmob-ve-ttbnin-yedi-acil-onlem-metni-imzaya-acildi/

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