Attorney Vurgun: The aim is totalitarian regime

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  • 11:09 16 April 2020
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DİYARBAKIR -  ÖHD executive Lawyer Özüm Vurgun, who evaluated the law on execution said: "The aim is the totalitarian regime."
Reactions continue for the enactment of the 70-item “Law on the Execution of Criminal and Security Measures and Amendments to Some Laws”, which exclude political prisoners and convicts. Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD) Diyarbakır Branch executive Attorney Özüm Vurgun, stating that the law is a product of a discriminatory and national socialist mentality, stated that the law violates the equality principle of the Constitution. Vurgun, stating that the law monopolizes the legislative, executive, and judicial powers, Vurgun emphasized that the principle of equality is approached from the perspective of Hitler. Stating that the regulation has nothing to do with law, Vurgun said the law is based on nationalism and lacks a humanitarian basis that approaches its people with fear. Vurgun also said that the law aims to silence and horrify the people.
Vurgun, stating that the law is the base of a new unpeaceful era, said: "It is a violation of the right to life, the principle of equality, contrary to the basic principles of the Constitution. Their aim is a totalitarian regime."

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