Sick prisoner Kaya died the day he was released


ADANA - Seriously ill prisoner Sabri Kaya died on the day of his release. Kaya, who has been hospitalized many times since March 25, was taken to prison before his treatment was completed.

Kaya was in a hospital in Osmaniye on Tuesday after a bowel hemorrhage last week. Two days ago he suffered another intestinal hemorrhage, after which he was transferred to a hospital in the neighbouring province of Adana. There he is currently undergoing intensive medical treatment. However, the doctors give him only a slim chance of survival. "He is no longer able to react and is on the verge of death, say the doctors treating him. They too are waiting for a miracle," said Kaya’s lawyer Ilhan Güngör.
57-year-old Sabri Kaya has only 25 percent of normal heart performance, massive heart failure and other chronic diseases. He has undergone open-heart surgery twice during his detention (in 2013 and 2016). On 25 March this year he suffered a heart attack and a cerebral hemorrhage. Since then he has been transferred to the emergency service of the Osmaniye State Hospital 21 times. Many of his illnesses occurred only after his arrest in 2010 and subsequent sentencing to life imprisonment on terrorism charges. 
His daughter Dilan Kaya called on to the government many times demanding her father's release, telling that he was dying.
Kaya died on the day he was released. Kaya summed up his situation in the weekly phone call on May 6, calling his family and saying 'I can't hold on anymore. I am dying.'

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