HDP statement on November 4: Democratic politics continues

  • actual
  • 10:28 4 November 2020
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ANKARA - HDP CEB made a statement regarding the November 4 coup and said: "Democratic politics is stronger than ever, despite all the attacks, with the strength and legitimacy it draws from the people, and continues on its way despite all obstacles."

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board (MYK) made a written statement regarding the 4th anniversary of the "November 4 Political Coup" against HDP's elected officials. The statement reads: "Hundreds of our elected officials have been arrested within the scope of the coup that started with the arrest of dozens of members of parliament, including our previous co-chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş. People's will was usurped, municipalities are still occupied by those not elected but appointed; The will of the parliament was ignored and violated. The constitutional regime was completely suspended and the polarizing, exclusionary discourse was imposed on the country."
The statement of HDP continues as follows: "The coup targeted the will of millions of people who voted for HDP. Today, those who are taken hostage by the government is not just our elected officials but the will of the peoples. The picture revealed 4 years after this coup is clear. The attack launched against the most dynamic leading force of the struggle for democracy was not limited with HDP. The prime minister of the period was discarded and those who voted yes for the attack against HDP were later punished. Because this move against the democracy forces is an enemy of the people.
Every segment of society that takes  its legitimacy from the will of the people and democratic politics has to take a stand against this situation. Today, it is known by experience that once the Constitution is violated, once the constitutional breach is approved by saying that it does not touch us anyway, and these attacks are ignored, there remains neither the Constitution, nor the decisions of the Constitutional Court, nor the will of the parliament. The powers of the world who come to terms with AKP's attack against the democracy forces with their relationship with AKP based on self-interest have to see that the democratic values can not be compromised or negotiated.
Even though the democratic politics is under a heavy attack, it is not defeated and those who seek to destroy democratic politics have not been successful. Democratic politics is much stroner today with the strength it draws from the peoples and it continues on its way with determination and resilience. Those who try to survive with persecution, hostility and annihilation of others are more desperate than ever now and they are doomed to fail. This government is now recognized as a tyrant and fascist regime by the world. Even the most anti democratic powers of the world feels reluctant to support AKP- MHP regime. This regime is a major threat against not only Turkey but for the whole world.
As our former co-chairs taken hostage by the government said before, we are continuing on our way with the righteousness of resisting to persecution. With the strength we draw from this struggle, with our moral sources and moral values, we are stronger than ever. Our struggle will continue until all of those who are taken hostage by this coup are freed. The future is ours. The future belongs to the democratic forces that draws its strength from the will of the peoples."