November 4 message from imprisoned HDP MPs

  • actual
  • 14:45 4 November 2020
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ANKARA – HDP shared the messages written by the elected officials of HDP who were arrested on November 4, 2016. Yüksekdağ, Demirtaş, Baluken, Demirel, Kışanak, Tuncel and Zeydan told that they did not submit to fascism and that HDP is standing tall, resisting.

The messages of the Co-chairs and MPs are as follows: 
Figen Yüksekdağ: "Our valuable people; the attacks against party that represents the hope and resilience of the peoples, women and humanity continues unabated. But of course our reality is to stay on the path of hope and resilience. Those who thought that they could annihilate us, defeat us 4 years ago were wrong. They couldn't succeed. They can never succeed. The day is the day to embrace the HDP and our historical righteousness and to strengthen our unity and solidarity."
Selahattin Demirtaş: "Those who raided our homes on the night of November 4, 2016, kidnapped us and locked us up, taking all of us hostages are now at the point of burn out. They are in a complete disintegration and dissolution process. Dreams of overthrowing the HDP have turned into nightmares. What did we say? 'We are hard nuts to crack. Your teeth will fall out as you try to chew us'. That day is today. This is why we are resisting, we are succeeding, we are winning."
Abdullah Zeydan: "The ongoing attacks against HDP is frustrated by the devoted stance of our people. HDP has been able to stand tall against these relentless pressures. We will continue our struggle with pride with our people for the peoples of our country, especially the Kurdish people to reach an honourable and free life, and we will present the peoples an honourable and free life."
Çağlar Demirel: "It's been 4 years! What changed in Turkey? The oppression, assimilation and arrests increased. We told that what happened in November 4 was a political coup. That political continues today.  We have seen once again that the problems have not been resolved, especially with a purge process directed at women, Kurds and forces of democracy. It is clear that the solution is achieved through democratic politics and the free expression of peoples, identities and thoughts.  It is clear that this government can no longer rule the country. The peoples of Turkey saw this clearly with the pandemic. The government is trying to  prolong its life by using the Covid outbreak as an excuse. Even this effort will not save AKP- MHP government.
People have become poorer and poorer. Hostile policies increased in domestic and foreign politics. We were locked up for telling these to the people.. Arresting us, taking us hostage will not solve the problem. Recognizing the democratic will of the people and a solution process will solve the problem. The spirit of struggle and resistance that brought us to this day, will continue. We spoke our minds about the unlawfulnesses and we'll continue to do so. My greetings and love to the peoples."
The November 4 operation was carried out to completely block the Kurdish people's participation in politics through democratic means. Kurds are making an intense effort to insist on democratic politics, despite all the injustices and unlawfulness they have experienced. However, in the last 4 years, participation to both local and general politics are being blocked with fascist practices. It is clear that this is not just the Kurdish people's problem. This is a problem for all the peoples living in this country. All political parties that claim to believe in democratic politics should take a clear stance on this issue and establish a strong line of struggle. We are being held as political hostages. But I would like to express once more clearly that we have never submitted to fascism and we never will!"
İdris Baluken: "We are leaving behind the 4th year of the November 4 coup attempt against the will of our people. During this period, we are proud of not taking a single step back from our struggle for peace, democracy, freedom and justice. In this sense, the decisive stance and strong will of our peoples have been our greatest support in terms of morale and source of strength.We sincerely believe that this will and belief bring us closer to bright and free tomorrows. The blow to the will of the people on November 4 is one of the cornerstones that paved the way for the political, social, legal and economic collapse the country is going through today. In this sense, the solution to save our peoples and our country from collapse is through overcoming all unlawfulnesses. With our unwavering faith, we promise all our peoples and comrades that we will continue our struggle resolutely.  We wish everyone success on this honorable path. With my belief that we will meet in bright tomorrows." 
Sabahat Tuncel: "It has been four years since the political coup against the HDP and in this process the political and economic crisis in Turkey has deepened. Law become a tool of supression for AKP- MHP fascist government. The attacks against the law on bars, law on social media, the rights of the workers, the women who are fighting for İstanbul convention increased. The trustee policy applied against the Kurdish people's will has become a fundamental policy for the government. Nature was plundered and society continued to be oppressed, smothered. But this oppression, this persecution made us even stronger and resilient. HDP is the leading party of everyone who believes that another life is possible that keeps peoples, beliefs and women's hope alive. The repressions, attacks, detentions, arrests stem from the HDP's justified struggle and its being the only alternative against the fascist power. HDP is organizing and resisting in all areas of life in order to establish a democratic, equal, free and ecological life based on radical democracy. Our struggle will surely succeed. Nobody should doubt that. Now is the time for freedom and it is more important than ever to build the future by organizing freedom. Those who planned the November 4 coup are doomed to lose. They have come to the end of the road. We are at the beginning of the road. This is the beginning of the struggle. We will resist, organize and win. In prisons or out there in the fields, factories, streets. We will organize, and we will win!"