Berwarî: Turkey and KDP causes crisis while Öcalan is the adress to solution

  • actual
  • 10:34 10 November 2020
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İSTANBUL - Stating that KDP is making its moves accordingly with Turkey's plans, and stating that most of the KDP is against war, academic Kamuran Berwarî pointed out to the 'national unity' perspective of Öcalan.

Reactions keep coming to the military and political steps Kurdistan Democratic Party, ruling Federated Kurdistan District takes with Turkey which causes tension. The politician from Federated Kurdistan and Duhok University lecturer Kamuran Berwarî, who closely follows the developments in the region, made evaluations to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA).
Stating that the tension at the region continues, Berwarî told that the local peoples of the region is concerned and uncomfortable with the ongoing tension. Underlining that the growing tension is not an ordinary situation, on the contrary it is planned and systematic, Berwarî said: "Kurdistan is an invaded country. There is a status in Bashur (South) since 1991. There are international conventions and the foreign soldiers can not enter here.  There are international agreements and according to this, soldiers of different states cannot enter here. It is also a no-fly zone. Despite this international decision, the Turkish state does not comply. Bashur does not recognize the sovereignty of Kurdistan, the government and the people. For years it has continued it attacks both on the ground and in the air, ignoring international decisions. At the same time, it does not respect the sovereignty of Iraq. The reason for the tension is the Turkish state's coming to Bashur, establishing more than 36 police stations, its military activities, as well as its MIT and intelligence activities."
Sharing that the local people thinks the tension is growing under the control of Turkey, Berwarî said what is expected of the Kurdistani forces is to take up an anti-war position. Stating that those who participated and support this war will be condemned in the eyes of the people, Bawerî said, “Such a war will cause Bashur Kurdistan to weaken and lose its gains. The people of Bashur are against war. It is also against those who want war. The problem of Bashur is not the existence of the PKK, but the presence of the occupying Turkish soldiers."
Bawerî drew attention to Öcalan's warnings on April 27, when he spoke to his brother on the phone for the first time and called for national unity addressing PKK and Federated Kurdistan Region administration. Stating that Öcalan pointed to the importance of the national unity amongst Kurds, Bawerî said: "Mr. Öcalan knows about the problems of the Kurds better than anyone. He historically studied the history of the Kurds and written many books. He explained the issues of the Kurdish people scientifically and academically. And he explained the solutions for it. Mr. Öcalan should not be seen as the head of a party, he is one of the pioneers of humanity. He is known by the world. This is an important opportunity. The Kurds needs ideology more than they need weapons, politics or diplomacy. The people of Kurdistan at the four pieces of Kurdistan accepts Mr. Öcalan's Democratic Confederalism and Democratic Autonomy philosophy. Only in Bashur some parties are against it. And these forces want to continue their exiastance depending on the occupiers.  The call for national unity is a matter of life and death for us. It is the solution of the problems. It is one of the great duties before all Kurds. These forces should work for national unity. This is in the interests of all Kurds.
MA / İdris Sayılğan