Alternating hunger strike against isolation begins in prisons indefinitely

  • actual
  • 17:25 25 November 2020
  • |

NEWS CENTER- The prisoners, who took action against the permanent isolation on PKK’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan, are starting an indefinite and alternating hunger strike.

Thousands of prisoners are starting an indefinite and alternating hunger strike to protest the isolation and violations of rights on PKK ‘s Leader Abdullah Öcalan. According to the news of Fırat News Agency, PKK and PAJK members of the detainees stated that they start the action as of Friday, November 27th.

The prisoners stated that they continue their actions until the isolation system that has turned into torture on Imrali is to be eliminated and Öcalan's freedom is to be achieved, “Fascism’s greatest fear is social resistance, which is why it uses all kinds of means and methods to end the resistance.”

Stated that: ”Our duty is to increase the resistance under all circumstances and conditions, wherever and in any field we are in, and to bring the end of fascism on the basis of eliminating the isolation."