Prisoners on hunger strike call for solidarity

  • actual
  • 10:26 9 December 2020
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ADANA - The prisoners in the 3rd group who took over the hunger strike against isolation in Düzce T Type Closed Prison called for support and growing solidarity for their action.

The 3rd group took over the hunger strike the previous day, initiated by PKK and PAJK prisoners on November 27 to demand an end to the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. A group of prisoners in Düzce T Type Closed Prison announced that they took over the hunger strike and called for endorsing the protest and intensifying solidarity.
The prisoners revealed that some of their friends were infected with coronavirus and they continue the hunger strike despite the fact that the measures against the virus remain insufficient.
Mehmet Salih Ulıtaş, who is detained in Adana Kürkçüler F-Type Closed Prison, spoke about the violations of rights he observed in a weekly phone call with his family. As the hunger strike against Öcalan’s isolation continues, there are serious problems with the food in prison and Ulıtaş said that he could not enjoy the right to free-visitation despite his petition.