Attorney Tuncer: Strip search is applied even to children

  • actual
  • 10:43 22 December 2020
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İSTANBUL - Attorney Gülizar Tuncer who stated that it was shameless to deny that people aren't being strip searched in Turkey like the AKP said, added that even the elderly and the children are being strip searched.

The fact that Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu brought the strip search of 30 women subjected to on the agenda caused discussions. AKP Group Deputy Chairperson Özlem Zengin denied the claim and accused Gergerlioğlu of terrorizing the parliament. Another AKP Group Deputy Chairperson Cahit Özkan, denied the claim and told that no one is being strip searched in Turkey. Uşak Governor Funda Kocabıyık told that she will file a criminal complaint without naming Gergerlioğlu.
Scores of women told about their experiences of the strip searches under the hashtag “#ÇıplakAramayaSessizKalma”. Many human rights activists, journalists and politicians shared that they have been strip searched in police stations and prisons.
There is a regulation about strip search which is denied by AKP members in prison regulations. In the 34th article of the Regulation on the Management of Penal Institutions and the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures published in the Official Gazette dated March 29, 2020, the conditions and how to perform a strip search are explained in detail. Even body cavities can be searched if the prison personel sees necessary.
In Article 1 of the Resolution No. 3452 adopted by the United Nations (UN) on December 9, 1975, strip search is defined as a method of torture, a severe and deliberate form of cruelty, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. According to the 8th article of the European Convention on Human Rights, strip search is defined as 'torture, inhumane and degrading treatment'. The 94th article of Turkish Penal Code (TCK), strip search is considered a crime. But being a signatory in all of these norms, Turkey continues to implement strip search.
We asked about the strip search to Attorney Gülizar Tuncer. Stating that everyone is subjected to strip search at the police sttaions and the prisons, Tuncer said even the children and the elderly that go to prisons to visit their loved ones are subjected to strip search. Tuncer underlined that legal arranegements were made to justify strip search after July 15 coup attempt.
Tuncer said: "It is shameless for AKP Group Deputy Chairperson Özlem Yıldız to claim that there is no strip search in Turkey. Ignoring it won't make it go away. It has been done thousands of time and it is still being done. They strip search people in the blind spots or they shut down the cameras. Sometimes when they forget to do so and the strip searches are recorded, it is apalling to see such degrading treatment. Women are being strip searched in the presence of male police officers. Most have remained silent against this degrading practice so far. Human's rights organizations, law organizations and democratic mass organizations must stand against it."
Underlining that strip search is a 'social issue', Tuncer said that all opposition must unite against this inhumane practice at once.
MA / Mehmet Aslan