Law suit filed against journalist Alphan for Newrox photo

  • actual
  • 13:05 13 January 2021
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NEWS CENTER - A law suit has been filed against journalist Melis Alphan for taking photos in the Diyarbakır Newroz celebrations. Alphan is accused of 'propagandizing a terrorist organization'.

A law suit has been filed against journalist Melis Alphan for a photo she took in the Newroz Celebrations in Diyarbakır in 2015. It was claimed that Alphan 'propagandized a terrorist organization' with these photos in the investigation launched against her back in November. The indictment prepared by the prosecutor's office was accepted by İstanbul 32nd High Criminal Court. Alphan faces up to 7 and a half years in prison.
Critisizing the situation, Alphan stated that the aim was to silence the journalists and said: "They are trying to silence us. But whenever someone says shut up, I want to speak out louder. It is kind of a habit of mine. Do you think we are afraid of prison? "
Davaya tepki gösteren Alphan, amacın gazetecileri susturmak olduğunu söyledi. Alphan "Amaç susturmak. Ama benim de 'Sus' deyince inadına konuşasım geliyor, huyum kurusun. Hapse dahi atsanız umurumda mı sanıyorsunuz? Sizden korkan sizin gibi olsun" dedi.