Bilen: Dissident journalists on trial

VAN - While the doors of the court room was closed to the people at the first hearing of the case against 5 journalist, 4 of whom are currently behind bars, tension increased between the attorneys of the journalists and the court board. Adnan Bilen who was interrupted frequently by the court board said: "This is the trial of all dissident journalists."
The hearing of the case against Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur, Jinnews reporter Şehriban Abi and journalist Nazan Sala, and MA reporter Zeynep Durgut, who were arrested on October 9, 2020 after their news coverage of the torture of 2 citizens thrown out of a military helicopter have started. All five journalists who are accused of 'being a member of a terrorist organization', were able to attend the hearing at the Van 5th High Criminal Court via Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS). Only 4 journalists were allowed to follow the hearing, where representatives of the journalist professional organization and families were not allowed in the court room. Those who were allowed were made to shut off their cell phones. The court allowed only 4 journalists to monitor the hearing on the grounds of the coronavirus pandemic.
Adnan Bilen was the first to speak at the hearing. Underlining that it was journalism that's standing trial, Bilen said: "This is the prosecution of all dissident journalists. This hearing will go down on history. The judge interrupted Bilen and said: "Just speak about the part about yourself, everyone knows the other stuff'.
Pointing out that he has been working as a journalists for the last 20 years and he had never been in such a situation, Bilen spoke about the indictment. Underlining that he was prosecuted for the photos he took before, Bilen said: "The indictment claims that we don't have press cards. Press card is an accreditation card. Communication Presidency has canceled the press cards of 680 journalists in 4 months. 90% of the foreign press workers have left Turkey. There are thousands of journalists who do not own a press card given by the presidency. Only 12 of the 100+ members of the Van Lake Journalists Association owns press cards given by the presidency. he Directorate of Communications stated that the card was not a descriptive but a facilitator in the case of annulment of the press card regulation."
Pointing out that reporters cannot determine the publishing policy of the agencies they work for, Bilen said, "Me and my other friends here can be held accountable for what we do. We are reporters. We cannot be held accountable for what the agency had done. Our agency has a headquarters in Istanbul, there is an editorial board." Bilen, who demanded his release, said, "We have been in prison for 6 months. We did not even know what we were accused of for months. During this pandemic, we were deprived of our freedom, our jobs and our homes. This injustice must end."
The fact that the President of the Court board interrupted Bilen frequently has drawn attention.
While Bilen was making his defense, Van Bar Association Head Zülküf Uçar entered the court room. It was understood that the doors of the court room was locked.
The head of the court board demanded fewer lawyers in the court room. Tension rose between the lawyers and the court board. Head of the court board left the court for a while.
The hearing continues with the defense of journalist Nazan Sala.