Torture at border: A border tradesperson killed

  • actual
  • 14:35 17 April 2021
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VAN - One of the two border tradesperson, Hesen Keçelano, father of three children was allegedly tortured by soldiers and lost his life as a result of the torture.
News of people being killed, tortured or injured by soldiers comes on a daily basis from the Iran -Van border.  It was learned that a border tradesperson who engaged in border trade was killed and another was injured. According to the claims, Iranian tradespersons Hesen Keçelano (35) and Behnam Semedi were tortured and killed by the Turkish soldiers yesterday morning. 
Semedi was unrecognizable due to the blood on his face, he had deep cuts all over his body while Hesen Keçelano died as a result of the torture he was subjected to. Semedi was left at the Iranian border with the body of Keçelano. 
Relatives of border tradespersons also confirmed these allegations. One of the relatives of the border tradespersons we talked to about the incident said: "After Semedi came to the village, we went with Iranian soldiers to the place where the body was located. Iranian soldiers said that the body of my friend was tortured. Then they called Turkish soldiers to the border. Iranian soldiers said to the Turkish soldiers," We can not take this body because you tortured it. Send it through the border legally." So the body was taken by the Turkish soldiers.
A citizen from the village of Beydoğan, where the incident took place, said that he witnessed the soldiers on duty from the Sedat Nezih Özok Police Station taking two border tradespersons.