Old woman barricades road on her own: You can not pass into Shengal!

  • actual
  • 11:03 21 April 2021
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SHENGAL - Shengalis are preventing the advance of Iraqi soldiers who were deployed in their borders as part of the agreement signed between Baghdad and Hewlér. The symbol of the resistance, Dayê Şemê, an old woman, blocked the road on her own, preventing the soldiers from entering Shengal and said: "None of you can enter Shengal".

The Iraqi Army deployed dozens of troops at the enterance of the Gir Zerik village located in Til Êzer, to the south of Shengal yesterday. While the commanders and soldiers of the Iraqi army took part in the convoy, which includes armored vehicles, the people of Shengal built a barricade against the soldiers at the entrance of Gir Zerik village. The Shengalis, who refuses to allow the Iraqi army to enter the village, have been resisting since last night. Tension increased from time to time between the people who lit fire at the entrance of the village and the army. Saying that forces that cannot protect the Shengalis from ISIS do not have the right to enter their land, the Shengalis demanded that the Iraqi army withdrew.
The army attempted to enter the areas controlled by the Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ) from the Baac area, which is the borderline of the Arab and Êzidî villages, starting from the village of Siba and extending to Koço. The Shengal Democratic Autonomous Council representatives, YBŞ forces and the Shengal Public Security Forces, who took action together with the people against the Iraqi Army, stated that they would would fight back in case the army advances. 
Although negotiations were made between the Iraqi army commanders and the representatives of the YBŞ and the Shengal Council to resolve the problem, the people of Shengal said that they would never allow the army to pass.
The army forces trying to prevent the journalists from doing their jobs faced the reactions of the people.
Shengalis who continue to wait in front of the army, blocking enterance to Shengal, told that YBŞ and YJŞ paid great prices to protect their lands. 
Dayê Şemê, which became a symbol of resistance against the Iraqi army, stood against the soldiers at the enterance of Shengal, stopping them from entering Shengal on her own, called out to the soldiers in Arabic and said: "None of you can enter Shengal."
MA / Nazım Daştan