Villagers fighting against stone pit detained in İkizdere


RİZE - 5 of the villagers fighting against the stone pit in İkizdere were detained.

The villagers, struggling for days against the stone pit to be built by Cengiz Building Company in the İkizdere district of Rize, went to the valley again early this morning. The soldiers intercepted the villagers and detained 5 of them. While it was stated that the name of one of the detainees was Kemal Baş, the names of the other villagers could not be learned. Women climbed the trees to prevent construction equipment from working. The soldiers are trying to force the villagers out of the valley. Apart from the village roads leading to the valley, mountain roads were also blocked by the soldiers. One person fell ill due to the intervention of the soldiers.
The construction work which stopped 3 days ago, resumed when the construction machines came back to the vallet. The villagers continue to wait in the area where the construction equipment is operating.