HDK's new spokespersons: The Kurdish question is the dominant factor

İSTANBUL - HDK co-spokespersons Cengiz Çiçek and Esengül Demir underlined that the intended deadlock on the Kurdish question in the Middle East is the dominant factor, and told that the Kurdish question was mortified by imposing isolation on Öcalan.
Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) held its 11th Ordinary General Assembly on 10 June with the slogan "New Life Will Win". Cengiz Çiçek and Esengül Demir were elected as HDK Co-spokespersons at the Board. Çiçek and Demir evaluated the new era of HDK, the Kurdish question, the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the hunger strikes, the cross-border operations of Turkey, the approach of the KDP, the policies of the AKP government, the women's struggle, the economic crisis and the ecological plunder.
Stating that the HDK was established to respond to historical problems, Cengiz Çiçek said, “With the process of the Republic of Turkey building itself in the form of a nation-state, there is a historical fact that we all know, and at the same time, a current reality that deepens every day. And it is this: The Republic emerged through monist patterns. While this republic was being built, different historical, cultural and social identities and segments were excluded. Here, the HDK is the sum of all the groups, peoples, identities and forms of expression that have been denied, excluded, marginalized, oppressed, and disadvantaged in the century-long history of this state. In this respect, HDK is the 'Third Way'. As you know, there are two poles; one is a pole that expresses itself in white Turkism, and the second is a pole that expresses itself in green (religious) Turkism. Apart from these two historical hegemonic lines, HDK expresses a line of struggle that tries to perpetuate all identities and differences that advocate social freedom, democracy and equality together in a political and ideological format, and continues its social struggle from this aspect.”
Çiçek continued, "HDK considers it to be its raison d'etre to break the isolation with those who defend the 'Third Path. Öcalan being held in the island prison showed that the Kurdish question is gangrened, especially the last 5 years.  The gangrene state of the Kurdish problem keeps Turkish society, politics and the life in Turkey gangrened.  In this direction, Mr. Öcalan is the direct addressee of this question. The solution of the Kurdish problem under his address will also pave the way for the democracy and freedom struggle of the peoples of Turkey.” 
HDK Co-Spokesperson Esengül Demir, who stated that the 11th Ordinary General Assembly was a pioneer, said that they evaluated the country's agenda from a women's point of view. Stating that they created solutions at the women's conference held before the general assembly, Demir noted that the women's struggle in the 21st century gained great momentum. Demir said, “Women's gains and struggles in this age will have much greater results and women will be even more liberated. The patriarchal, male-dominated system is powerless but aggressive in the face of women's struggle for freedom and rights.
Mentioning the ongoing Third World War in the Middle East, Demir said that the actors of the world politics who try to design the Middle East according to their own interests have faced an unexpected struggle for freedom. Stating that women are at the forefront in the freedom struggle in the Middle East, Demir said: "The struggle carried out here affects the whole world. Women stood on their two legs in a period where they were subjected to constant persecution during the war and the identity of the women were ignored and marketed. In addition to the ideological struggle, they came out of this process with a physical war. The freedom struggle of the women in the underdeveloped Middle East will lead to serios change in the world."
MA / Mehmet Aslan - Berfin Karaman