Assailant of İzmir HDP building trained in Syria!

NEWS CENTER - Armed photos of the assailant of HDP İzmir Provincial Organization employee Deniz Poyraz were revealed. The assailant Onur Gencer has photographs taken in Syria.
The 27-year-old assailant Onur Gencer who has a bunch of photos taken during trainings in Syria was taken to İzmir Provincial Security Directorate. In his first statement, the assailant said: "I am not affiliated with any group. I entered the building because I hate PKK and fired at random."
However, when we examined his social media accounts, we saw that he was not an ordinary person and he planned the attack. 
Looking at his instagram account with the user name ‘onur_gencer1994’, many racist statements and photos of him with guns can be seen.
It was discovered that the assailant wrote, "You Armenian offsprings! We will make you vomit blood!" in his social media account.
In addition to these posts, there are many photos of the attacker with a gun in his hand. Among these guns of different models and diameters, there are also long-barreled guns. Moreover, some of these photos were taken from different cities of Syria. The photos show that the attacker received military training in Syria.
The assialant Gencer shared a photo of his holding a long barreled gun in Minbic with a note, 'A memory from Syria'. The MPT-76 model gun he is holding is a weapon used by law enforcement units and is in the TAF inventory.
In another photograph taken in Aleppo, Gencer wearing military camouflage is seen making a gray wolf sign. It seems that the place where the photo was taken is a military zone.  In some of the other photos shared by Gencer, other people with military camouflage appear next to him.
These photographs clearly show that the assailant took part in paramilitary structures and has been in Syria in recent years.
A lot of information and documents have been made public and have been the subject of international reports that Turkey has used these paramilitary structures in its civil war in Syria. 
In these operations, the name of International Defense Consulting Construction Industry and Trade Inc. (SADAT) came to the fore. Adnan Tanriverdi, one of the founders of SADAT, also served as the advisor to AKP Chairman and President Tayyip Erdogan.