Greywolf sign becomes symbol of men slaughtering women

BATMAN - TJA Spokesperson Sönük who pointed out that in the photo of the killer of Deniz Poyraz, he flashes the greywolf sign, underlined that this sign became the symbol of men, slaughtering women.
While the perpetrators of crimes such as violence against women, child abuse, rape, blackmail and murder, which causes public outrage were very alike, the fact that all of the perpetrators were flashing the greywolf sign. The photograph of expert sergeant Musa Orhan, who caused İpek Er's death, flashed the greywolf sign. Ümitcan Uygun who was the main suspect of the death of Aleyna Çakır was a Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) member. Aytu Çetin who first raped and then killed 92 year old Hanım Pınarlı had a tattoo affilliated with the MHP.
The symbol were recently seen in the photo of murdered Onur Gencer who killed HDP employee Deniz Poyraz. Free Women's Movement (TJA) Batman Spokesperson Gülistan Sönük commented on this common symbol of perpetrators of women.
Reminding the murder of Kurds in the 90's, Free Women's Movement (TJA) Batman Spokesperson Gülistan Sönük said: "Dozens of massacres were committed against Kurds, sometimes at home, sometimes on the street, and sometimes in front of their children. Finally, a female friend of ours was murdered in Izmir. This has become a widespread thing in Kurdistan. We know that this was a planned attack. Reminding that the killer of İpek Er had a photo flashing the greywolf sign, Sönük underlined that the killer of Poyraz has a photo just like that!
Mentioning the importance of the forces behind these people, Sönük said, just like it happened in the Musa Orhan case, killer Gencer can be released soon. Sönük underlined that the perpetrators will held to account with the efforts of the women.
Gencer’in arkasındaki güçlerin kim olduğunun önemine değinen Sönük, Gencer’in de Musa Orhan davasında olduğu gibi ilk etapta tutuklanıp, ilerleyen aşamalarda serbest bırakılma olasılığının olduğunu belirtti. Kadınların Poyraz’ın mirasına sahip çıkacağının altını çizen Sönük, her katliamın bir direniş gerekçesi olduğunu aktardı. Sönük kadınların direnişi ile faillerin yargı önünde hesap vereceğini dile getirdi.