Jafari: Erdogan's son was managing the oil and gas stolen by ISIS

NEWS CENTER - Confirming Sedat Peker's confessions about Turkey's arms trade with Syria, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Bashar Jafari said, "The stealing of our oil and natural gas by ISIS was personally directed by Erdogan's son."
Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Bashar Jafari confirmed the allegations of state-affiliated gang leader Sedat Peker that Turkey was sending weapons to Syria. Speaking to Hediye Levent from Deutsche Welle Turkish, Jafari told that they sent 108 letters to the United Nations Security Council, the Secretariat General and the Counter-Terrorism Subcommittees including confirmed information about militarist groups coming to Syria and sent by Turkey, which exceeds millions. Jafari said: "I would like to state that I confirm all the things said by Sedat Peker. They are completely true."
Regarding Peker's confessions about his commercial relations between militarist groups in Turkey and Syria, JafAri said, "Mr. Sedat Peker's statement that Erdogan regime - including his family members - is involved in the theft of our oil, natural gas, mines and grain is true. Because we all witnessed the theft of our oil and natural gas by ISIS in 2015-2016, and that it was personally managed by Erdogan's son." 
Expressing that Ankara has deep relations with various groups in Syria, Jafari claimed that Heysem El Kassar, who transported 2 liters of sarin gas from Libya to Istanbul in May 2013, is a Syrian agent of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT). Jafari said, "This person came to Gaziantep from Istanbul and from there to our border, accompanied by Turkish intelligence officers. He passed two liters of sarin gas across the border and delivered it to the Nusra Front, which carried out the attack that resulted in the death and drowning of many Syrian soldiers and civilians in the countryside of Aleppo. The Syrian government was accused of carrying out a chemical attack. This incident has been repeated many times."
Jafari said that Al Kassar used convoys that were said to carry humanitarian aid while smuggling sarin gas to Syria.
Caferi stated that Turkey is carrying out a "Turkicisation policy" in Northern Syria and said, "The Turkification process in the north and northwest of the Syrian territory occupied by Turkey has become intolerable. The currency in circulation in the region is Turkish Lira, there are Turkish flag instead of the Syrian flag in schools, they have changed the names of streets and city squares, stealing the textile industry and its materials and transporting them to Turkey. This cannot be tolerated."