Asya Abdullah: Rojava has become an inspiration for the Middle East

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  • 12:12 16 August 2021
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İSTANBUL - North and East Syria Women's Council Coordination member Asya Abdullah stated that the Rojava Women's Revolution marked the 2nd Women's Conference in the Middle East and North Africa, and said that they will convey the experiences of the Autonomous Administration, which is a successful example in the resolution of crises, to women of the world.
Women are the most effected group in the Middle East destroyed with war, sectarian conflict, migration and instability. In addition to these crisis, rape, violence and sexual harrassment continues systematically in the Middle East, it almost came to the point of Gendercide. In the face of all these problems, women continues their struggle against the imperialist hegamony, regiligus-nationalist and sexist regimes.
Women, whose struggles gained momentum in the Middle East, came together on the grounds of the 2nd Middle East and North Africa Women's Conference in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, on 30-31 July. 100 women from 18 countries participated in the conference, which was organized with the slogan "We will realize the democratic revolution with the unity of women".The conference ended with the final declaration, in which many important decisions were made. One of these resolutions was the creation of a regional women's committee within a six-month period.
Another decision was made to declare the women's allience  at the level of the Middle East and North Africa, to adopt a comprehensive strategic vision of women, to aim to build a society based on universal reference for human rights and based on freedom, democracy and equality. The struggle against violence against women and massacres of women and the creation of a strong and common struggle against sexism, nationalism, religios oppression and war were among the final results. Solutions also came to the fore against the deepening of anti-women policies that conservative women faced with the instrumentalization of religion. One of the most important decisions taken at the conference was the realization of the “Democratic Women's Alliance”.
The Women's Council Coordination Member Asya Abdullah, who participated in the conference from Northern and Eastern Syria, who pioneered the radical struggle with self-defense, equal representation in the political arena, and women's organizations in all areas of society, explained the importance of the conference.
Yine, Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika düzeyinde bölgesel bir kadın ittifakının kurulduğunu ilan etmek, kapsamlı bir stratejik kadın vizyonunu benimsemek, insan hakları için evrensel referansa dayalı ve özgürlük, demokrasi, eşitlik temelli bir toplum inşa etmeyi hedefleme kararı da alındı. Kadına yönelik şiddet, kadın katliamlarına karşı mücadele ile cinsiyetçilik, milliyetçilik, dincilik, savaşa karşı güçlü ve ortak bir mücadelenin oluşturulması da açığa çıkan sonuçlar arasında yer aldı. Muhafazakar kadınların dinin araçsallaştırılmasıyla karşı karşıya kaldığı kadın karşıtı politikaların derinleştirilmesine karşı çözümler de öne çıktı. Konferansta alınan en önemli kararlardan biri ise “Demokratik Kadın İttifakı”nın gerçekleştirilmesi oldu. 
Speaking about the contributions of North and East Syria to the conference as a force that inspired the people with its struggle against ISIS, Abdullah said: "We conveyed our experiences about the Rojava Revolution. When we interpret these, when the Syrian crisis started, women's preparation for the revolution in the beginning, the experiences in Northern and Eastern Syria are the experiences of all women. YPJ's resistance is also the resistance of all women. The democratic system built in Northern and Eastern Syria is seen as a good example for solving problems. The root of all problems is the male dominated systems. The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria has a system in which different segments can protect their own identities and protect their organized forces. Important studies are being carried out there from a women's point of view. The experience of the autonomous administration is a successful example for the solution of all ongoing crises and problems in the region. Women take part in this system as strongly as possible. Our revolution offers knowledge and depth to both the women's freedom struggle and the problems experienced in our region. However, considering the situation in the region, it is clear that we need to step up the struggle.There are still reactionary forces that want to destroy the Autonomous Administration. For this reason, we want to share the women's experience in Northern and Eastern Syria with all Middle Eastern and North African women. Thus, we want to support them to become stronger. The Rojava Women's Revolution became a source of inspiration in the Middle East. They, too, can see the Rojava Women's Revolution as an inspiration they can base themselves on and become even stronger. At the conference, evaluations were made regarding all these achievements and discussions were carried out. Different segments also stated that they wanted to discuss more, establish more relationships and benefit from their experiences."
Explaining the represantation of the women in politics in Northern and Eastern Syria, Abdullah said: "We have a co-chair system. The decisions are made together. The authority and the will of the man and woman in the administration is equal. There are many women's organizations within the party. There is a certain level of organization in the political party dimension, although not as much as desired. Work is underway for greater participation and influence and to play a leading role in parties. There is the North and East Syria Women's Council. It strives to solve the problems of both the autonomous administration and Syria in general. There are 57 women's organizations in this Parliament. It includes both political parties and non-governmental organizations. There are also independent people in it. We are in the Kongra-Star Assembly.  One of the duties of the Assembly is to increase the political participation of women throughout Syria, to solve the Syrian problem, to guarantee women's gains, to ensure that women's laws, the future of Syria, and women's participation in political decisions and solutions. In this context, there are commissions.  For this reason, the women's revolution creates changes and transformations as a mentality. Women carry out works such as doing original works, having willpower, solving women's problems, and leading the fight for a democratic-alternative system. On the other hand, there are self-defense forces here.
Stressing that the results of the conference  was the 'Democratic Women's Alliance, Abdullah explained the contributions it will have to the women's struggle in the Middle East and North Africa as follows: " This alliance is an achievement and development. Therefore, all organizations and individuals at the conference agreed on the need for joint organization. Strategic collaboration is needed. Both to fight in line with strategic common goals and to stand up to dangers. How to develop regional and general relations and the results were discussed. Many organizations may carry out studies in their own countries, but it is also important how they will generalize these studies and their achievements. For this reason, the relationship and organization that will be formed will create great opportunities. Thus, we will be able to carry out more strategic studies, whether political, legal, economic or social. For this, it was a strategic decision to form the Middle East and North Africa Alliance within 6 months. According to the decision taken, the joint organization should be completed within 6 months. In order to carry out this work, the formation of a commission from the representatives of the countries will be a process where roadmaps, targets and possible situations will be discussed. The resulting drafts will be presented to women's organizations. We want to get the opinions of women from the widest point of view. In fact, we will share the decisions, studies and goals taken with many women's organizations that did not attend the conference. If they are ready, we want to include them in the organization. We plan to complete this work in 6 months. On the other hand, a mechanism was established where all the delegates would be in contact and share ideas and experiences."
MA / Diren Yurtsever