Buldan: Better days are only possible if we break the isolation

  • actual
  • 12:54 26 August 2021
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ANKARA - Calling the peoples to take a common stance against isolation, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan said: "Better days are only possible if we break the isolation. The women will illuminate the darkness in this country."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) women provincial co-chairs, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan and Women's Assembly Spokespokeperson Ayşe Acar Başaran had a meeting in the party headquarters today. 
Stating that they are the subjects and representatives of a deep-rooted and strong women's struggle and democratic women's politics, Buldan said, “You are our women co-chairs who risked paying heavy prices with great devotion, self-sacrifice, determination. The light shining in your eyes illuminates our path, and the courage in your heart increases our determination. It has been an honor and a privilage for us to be here with you today as determined defenders of the women's struggle. Good luck to you. Good thing there are women. Fortunately, we have a party like the HDP to champion women's rights."
Buldan said: "One of the most fundamental problems we face in this country todat is the Kurdish question and the government's unlawful isolation policy against Mr. Öcalan in İmralı. Isolation has taken over the peoples of this country. We can break this siege by stepping up our struggle for a solution and forming a peace bloc against the deadlock in the Kurdish question and the isolation blocking our way. This will both pave the way for democracy, justice and peace, and will stop the policies of deadlock and plunder that drag the country into darkness and chaos.
Ülkenin bugün için karşı karşıya olduğu en temel sorunlarından biri Kürt sorunudur, iktidarın İmralı’da Sayın Öcalan’a karşı hukuksuzca uyguladığı tecrit politikasıdır. Tecrit, Türkiye’yi kilitlemiştir, halkı kuşatmıştır. Bu kuşatmayı karşımızdaki çözümsüzlük ve tecrit bloğuna karşı çözüm ve barış bloğunu daha fazla büyüterek kırabiliriz. Bu, hem demokrasinin, adaletin, barışın önünü açacak, hem de ülkeyi karanlığın, kaosun içine sürükleyen çözümsüzlük ve talan politikalarını durduracaktır.
All segments of society should see this reality very well and take a common stance against isolation. No one should doubt that better days are possible only if the isolation is broken. We women are aware of this reality and we will continue to step up this struggle. Yes dear friends; HDP is progressing by getting stronger on the path it opened with the alliance of peoples, alliance of women, alliance of youth and democratic foundations. The light of women will illuminate the darkness in this country.  We women will build a democratic, peaceful, egalitarian and libertarian life. We will change with women, we will succeed with women, we will win with women! I greet you all again with respect and love and wish you success. Serkeftin (Good luck in Kurdish).”
After Buldan's speech, the meeting continued closed to the press.