Öcalan: September 1 should be the milestone of peace and resolution

  • actual
  • 16:11 31 August 2021
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ISTANBUL - With the 2003 declaration, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan announced the roadmap for permanent peace and a democratic solution, and called for September 1, World Peace Day to be the turning point of peace, reconciliation and resolution.
World War II, considered one of the greatest wars in history, began with the Nazi invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. In the war that lasted for 6 years, more than 70 million people lost their lives, although the exact number is unknown. The Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact members declared September 1 as the World Peace Day to remind the dead and wounded in the war, to prevent conflicts and to establish peace. The United Nations (UN) declared 21 September as World Peace Day in 1981. For this reason, World Peace Day is celebrated on September 1 in some parts of the world and on September 21 in others.
Although 82 years have passed since the war, the conflicts, massacres and destruction in the world did not end. Especially in the Middle East, which have become the center of the war, welcome September 1 with conflicts and crises this year. The situation in Turkey is not much different. In the country where conflicts stemming from the deadlock of the Kurdish problem continue, peoples are preparing to take to the streets once again to present PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been in aggravated isolation in İmralı Prison since 1999, as an interlocutor for lasting peace.
Öcalan, who is considered to be the main actor in the solution of the Kurdish problem, has made numerous calls for peace so far. However, the peace hand extended by Öcalan was never accepted. Despite this, Öcalan, who did not give up his insistence on peace, made calls and evaluations in the past, especially regarding the 1 September World Peace Day, still valid today.
One of Öcalan's calls for peace was his speech on MED TV on September 1, 1998, which was considered the "third ceasefire". Öcalan, who attributed the source of all problems in Turkey to the lack of a consistent democracy, pointed out that the Kurdish issue and human rights are linked to democracy. Pointing out that the democratization of the state is the most fundamental problem of the country, Öcalan said: “Making the republic democratic, is Turkey's most fundamental problem. All the right and left circles says 'democracy'. All parties and non-governmental organizations repeat democracy almost as indispensable. If we don't want to be a person who just speaks and do nothing, the inadequacies of the republic in this regard should be seen as correct and evaluated realistically... For 75 years, the republic has not given its people a taste of democracy. It did not give much opportunity to democracy. Except for a very upper oligarchic circle, no one understood anything about democracy. The promise of democracy has been spoken a lot, but it has not been fulfilled. The society's share has been a kind of demagogy of democracy. At the moment, it is Turkey's most fundamental issue to take democracy out of a question of demagogy and to base it on its reality, basing it on the people."
Öcalan emphasized that Kurds as well as Turks had a share in the establishment of the republic and stated that his movement emerged as a self-defense against violence. Regarding the allegations of violence, Öcalan said: “As for violence, which is widely criticized: We are the hardest part of this violence. If we have chosen an obligatory defense method just to defend ourselves, for our most legitimate human rights, our identity and culture, in order to avoid being destroyed in an environment of tremendous power imbalance, this is in the constitution of the UN and even in the constitution of Turkey. This is called 'legitimate defense'. Let's not forget that everything is denied. Our humanity, our national identity, our human rights… What would we have done if we had not resisted? If we accepted such injustice, would Turkey benefit from it? Would the people of Turkey, or even the Turkish nation, gain honor? I do not think so. A nation, a people that rejects the individual and collective rights and laws of a people, that violates the identity and even the name of a people so unfairly, can never be happy. The people will never be able to get rid of their serious problems at all."
In this speech, Öcalan also declared a ceasefire in order to "respond to the demands for a democratic solution and peace" and said, "We say enough is enough for this war to last this long. We believe that this lock needs to be opened, knowing that politics will bring much more to our people, that it is sorely needed and that this is almost the most fundamental deadlock. And this is how we want to open the lock, it should be understood like this… As I always say, we are the strongest force of democracy and enlightenment for Turkey. We do not accept anything else. We are also a force of enlightenment and democracy for the Kurdish people. Violent methods should not be given much credit. As a matter of fact, violence has peaked, but no results were obtained. We should not rely too much on these methods.” 
Öcalan made a new statement on September 12, 1998, after the call for a ceasefire and peace declared in his speech was not answered. Öcalan stated that the hand of peace they extended was not accepted and said, "We wanted the Turkey to understand the hand of peace we extended on the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day, and to give a fraternal response that they claim so they have. We do not fight because we are too strong, or we do not call for peace because we are too weak. Since the beginning of history, a people who has no interest in anyone's love, labor or freedom, has tried to be the cradle of humanity in its own land, started humanity, and recognizes the deepest human feelings, a people who knows peace, not war, and considers humanity to consist of peace. We prefer peace because we are what we are. And we believe that peace will be more humane, more civilized, for the benefit of everyone and all people. It is because of this historical and humane identity of our people that we insist on peace. It should not be misunderstood in any other way. We have clearly shown this in our own struggle that even one person fighting right it can easily defeat the dirty war imposed on our people. But we still extend you our hand for peace. This is because of our great humanity.”
Emphasizing that the Declaration is a roadmap for a permanent peace and democratic solution, Öcalan said, “If the government comes to a dialogue and solution on this basis, the peace process will develop mutually until 2005. When this solution package is accepted, firstly, a clear bilateral ceasefire is ensured and a democratic solution is started. If the government refuses to accept this and insists on solving the problem with annihilation, if the peace initiatives are rejected, if new operations are on the agenda, if there will be arrests and kidnappings, if a similar process begins, it means a new period of action. In this case, it will be inevitable to use the right of legitimate defense. As a result, everyone should know that we will not divide Turkey, but we will not hand it over to the oligarchy. The Prime Minister should come out and make a statement by taking the historical responsibility and explain that he is in favor of a solution. September 1 should be the beginning of this. It should be the turning point of peace, reconciliation and solution for Turkey."