Gedo: The use of chemical weapons is the result of Turkey's defeat

  • actual
  • 11:51 23 October 2021
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NEWS CENTER - General Secretary of the Syrian Kurdish Left Party, Salih Gedo, stated that the Turkish state's use of chemical weapons was the result of Turkey's defeat, and said that the silence in the face of this tragedy it was shameful.

Reactions continue against Turkey's use of chemical weapons in military operations in the Federated Kurdistan Region. While Kurdish intellectuals and representatives of non-governmental organizations called on NATO, the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) to conduct an investigation in the region, Salih Gedo, Secretary General of the Syrian Kurdish Left Party, evaluated the chemical weapons issue, speaking to ANHA.
Emphasizing that the hostile plans towards the Kurds have been going on for decades, Gedo said, “Although these states have disagreements among themselves, they come together against the Kurds when it comes to their political and economic interests, and they plan genocide and extermination against the Kurdish people. The Turkish state is targeting the existence of the Kurds. Turkish officials, especially Erdogan, are not ashamed of pursuing the same policy, and they openly say this."
Condemning the silence of the international community in the face of the crimes committed against the Kurds, Gedo said, “What's targeted in the attacks against the Kurds is not only a party or an institution but the whole Kurdish community. The international community is not fulfilling its humanitarian duty in the face of this tragic situation. Kurdistani political movements have still not been able to form a national unity against the attacks against all Kurds.
Noting that the Turkish state has attacked Medya Defense Areas since April 23 and occupied a large area by establishing bases in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Gedo said, “The invading Turkish state uses state-of-the-art military vehicles and chemical weapons in its attacks. The Turkish state used chemical weapons because it was defeated. The international community remains silent against the use of chemical weapons. The silence and inaction towards Turkey is shameful. The international community showed great reactions when chemical weapons were used in Syria. But when it comes to Kurds, everyone is silent."
Noting that the KDP should cut its relations with the Turkish state and work for the rights and interests of the Kurds, Gedo said: “We are in a sensitive process. The enemies of the Kurds want to massacre the Kurds. That's why a Kurdistani stance and unity is needed. We should not deepen disagreements. Our main aim is to lead the Kurds towards internal dialogue.”