International organisations calls for release of Journalist Türfent

  • actual
  • 12:30 3 November 2021
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ISTANBUL - 54 international press and freedom of expression organizations called for the release of journalist Nedim Türfent, who has been imprisoned for 2,000 days.
International press and freedom of expression organizations have called for the release of Dicle News Agency (DİHA) reporter Nedim Türfent, who has been imprisoned in Van High Security Closed Prison for 2,000 days. In the text of the call, which includes 54 signatory organizations, it was demanded Türfent to be immediately and unconditionally released and his conviction to be overturned.
The note Türfent sent from prison was included in the text of the call made by the organisations. Türfent said: "There is so much injustice in our country that people hesitate to make a statement on such specific days. But there is a fact that sometimes it is easier to focus on injustice, unlawfulness and injustice through known examples. Therefore, I consider these 2000 days of imprisonment as a great symbol of the picture of injustice in the country. It is essential to raise awareness not only for my own situation, but also for all prisoners who have been deprived of their freedom because of their thoughts and their right to engage in politics. I call on everyone to be in solidarity with the people imprisoned."
Pen International Prisoner Writers Committee Chair Ma Thida, said, “Today is another important and painful milestone in the great injustice that Nedim Türfent has suffered. It is unbelievable that he spent 2000 days behind bars just because he was doing his job. To rectify this injustice, the Turkish authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Nedim and overturn his conviction. The PEN Community stands by all writers and journalists and Nedim who are unjustly imprisoned in Turkey and will continue to fight for their freedom until each of them is released.
International Press Institute (IPI) Turkey Program Coordinator Renan Akyavaş called for the application to the Constitutional Court to be processed. Akyavaş said, "Today, we leave behind us another important turning point in the endless injustice where Nedim was punished for his bravery as a journalist. Nedim spent 2000 days behind bars waiting for freedom. 2000 days that he should never lose and can never get back. Hundreds of journalists have been targeted in the same way by the judiciary that has been used as a weapon by Turkey. We have twice conveyed to the Constitutional Court that it should prioritize Nedim's application to end this great injustice. We believe they will take action this time."
Media and Legal Studies Association (MLSA) Project and Communication Coordinator Murat Kök pointed out that journalism that should be rewarded is punished in Turkey. Kök stated the following: “The injustices that Nedim was subjected to are actually the injustices that the vast majority of Kurdish journalists in Turkey have been subjected to. That is why we sincerely invite all individuals and institutions that defend freedom of expression to show solidarity with Nedim.”
Signatory organizations in the text are as follows: ARTICLE 19, Articolo 21, Association of European Journalists (AEJ), Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Croatian PEN, Danish PEN, English PEN, European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), French PEN, German PEN, Human Rights Association (İHD), IFEX, Index on Censorship, Initiative Against Thought Crime, Irish PEN, Kurdish PEN, Montenegrin PEN Center , OBC Transeuropa (OBCT), PEN America, PEN Bangladesh, PEN Belgium, PEN Center of Bosnia & Herzegovina, PEN Esperanto, PEN Estonia, PEN Georgia, PEN Iraq, PEN Latvia, PEN Malta, PEN Melbourne, PEN Moscow, PEN Netherlands, PEN Norway, PEN Portugal, PEN Québec, PEN Romania, PEN Suisse Romand, PEN Trieste, PEN Turkey, Perth PEN, CentreRussian PEN, San Miguel de Allende PEN, Slovene PEN, South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO), St Petersburg PEN, Swedish PEN, Turkey Human Rights Litigation Support Project , Vietnamese Abroad PEN centre, Wales PEN Cymru.