PYD Women's Council Spokesperson: Turkey's problem with Rojava is the hope it creates

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  • 13:30 20 November 2021
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URFA - PYD Women's Council Spokesperson Zehra Semo stated that they started a long-term struggle against the male mentality with the "Rojava Women's Revolution" and said, "Our achievements are targeted because they give morale and courage to the women in Turkey."
The "Rojava Revolution", which has made a great impression in the world with its "third way" policy, continues to offer a new life under the leadership of women against the capitalist masculine system. In Northern and Eastern Syria, women who produce alternative models against monocentered systems in the regions under the control of the Autonomous Administration strengthen their presence in every field from politics to diplomacy, from the military to the economy, from culture to art.
Democratic Union Party (PYD) Women's Council Spokesperson Zehra Semo evaluated the achievements and the situation of women in the region to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) on the occasion of the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 
Referring to the historical background of violence against women, Zehra Semo said that women's gains are always seen as a threat to governments. Stating that there are many types of violence against women, Zehra Semo said, “If we look at world history, governments have always been in a relentless struggle against the gains of women. Instead of fighting the systematic violence against women, they tried to take away the gains and rights of women."
Zehra Semo, who stated that violence spread to the society with the support given by the governments, emphasized that women have always resisted against it. Zehra Semo said: “Although violence against women has always been practiced as a policy, women like Mirabal Sisters have always existed. Sisters Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa loudly shouted that women have equal rights. And they were killed for this. It has been 61 years but they were never forgotton. However no one remembers the name of the dictator they were fighting against.
Emphasizing that it was not possible to talk about women's rights in the region before the Rojava Revolution, Zehra Semo said, "Women were the ones who were subjected to physical, psychological and economic violence the most. Before the Rojava Revolution, the Baath Regime in the region was practicing all kinds of violence against women. Women had no rights. They were imprisoned at home, not even allowed to speak or be involved in politics. This is the greatest violence against women. They did their best to isolate women from social life. Women were studying in schools, but the ideology of the Baath Regime was instilled and they could work in areas permitted by the state. Women were taught that no rights could be claimed. It was said that if women demanded their rights, they would be killed, tortured and imprisoned. They tried everything to prevent women from being their own person, being free. Women were killed, and when they were not killed, they were put into a worse situation than being killed.”
Reminding that the Rojava Revolution was led by women, Zehra Semo said, “The revolution, as a women's revolution, has written its name in history with golden letters. With the revolution, women built a new life. Women have been at the forefront of the revolution against being ignored for many years. They built the 3rd way, step by step. Those who ignore it and restrict their rights have also saq how powerful women are."
Stating that women are very active in the fields of politics, economy and law within the framework of the ideology of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Zehra Semo said, “Women have now started to demand all their rights.  Women, who were unprotected against violence during the Baath Regime, now began to protect themselves. But the more strong they got, the more the governments were disturbed by it. They were afraid of strong women." 
Zehra Semo, who pointed out that a life was built together under the leadership of women among all the peoples living in Northern and Eastern Syria, added that Turkey is uncomfortable with this system. Zehra Semo pointed out that women are the first ones to be targeted in Turkey's attacks against the region on different dates, and said, “The most obvious example of this is the murder of Hevrîn Xelef. All women were targeted in the person of Xelef.The foundations of our system were tried to be destroyed. Women responded to all attacks by stepping up the resistance. They are targeting women because they know our resistance is giving hope to the women in Turkey and encouraging them to fight back."
Zehra Semo underlined that as the PYD Women's Council, their influence is not limited with Northern and Eastern Syria, and said, “Wherever there is violence against women, we are there. Borders are not an obstacle for us in this sense. We are in solidarity with all women's organizations. We feel the pain in our hearts when a woman is subjected to violence no matter where they are from.  We call on all women to stand in solidarity with us in the fight against rape, torture, kidnapping, and murder that women are subjected to, especially in the regions occupied by Turkey. If women become one, if they are together, no force can stand against us."
MA / Emrullah Acar