Iraqi forces want to close Mahmur with a wire fence

  • actual
  • 14:08 27 December 2021
  • |

NEWS-CENTER - Iraqi forces, who came to Makhmur Refugee Camp early this morning, want to close the camp with wire fence.

Iraqi forces wanted to enter Makhmur Refugee Camp in the morning and put up fences around it. People stopped the Iraqi forces at the Makhmur entrance and did not allow them to pass. Thousands of civillians and Iraqi forces are waiting at the entrance of the camp.
While the tension in the camp continues, a statement is expected to be made by the Makhmur People's Assembly regarding the events.
Makhmur Camp, located approximately 100 kilometers from the city of Hewlêr in the Federated Kurdistan Region in the Mosul province, has been under embargo since July 17, 2019.