Lawyer who met Tuğluk called on the TBB and Bar to duty


İSTANBUL - Stating that Aysel Tuğluk has difficuly in meeting her basic needs and has serious memory loss, lawyer Several Ballıkaya said, "Istanbul Bar Association and TBB should resort to ways to ensure that Tuğluk regains her health."

Politician Aysel Tuğluk, who is being held in Kandıra No. 1 Type F Closed Prison and was diagnosed with dementia, is not released despite hospital reports stating that her health condition is not suitable for her to remain in prison. The report prepared by the Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) on February 4 included the allegations in the trial of Tuğluk in the Kobanê Case. In the report, it was stated that mild cognitive impairment was detected and "It is believed and considered that she still has criminal responsibility for her actions."

While various campaigns were carried out for Tuğluk's release, female lawyers visited Tuğluk in prison. Making a statement after the visit, the lawyers stated that Tuğluk's health condition is getting worse day by day and called for her release.

Lawyer Several Ballıkaya, who visited Tuğluk in prison and is also her friend from the university, made evaluations about Tuğluk's situation. Ballıkaya stated that Tuğluk's illness progressed and wanted all sensitive segments of society, especially bar associations, to be in solidarity with Tuğluk.


Ballıkaya stated that she met Tuğluk in 1985 at Istanbul University and that everyone who is engaging in a legal struggle should take responsibility for Tuğluk's liberation. Ballıkaya told the following about her visit with Tuğluk in prison: “Her health was in accordance with the hospital reports. While I was not sure if she would remember me or not, I was very happy to find out that she still remembers me. She talked about her school memories. She said that she missed everyone so much. She especially missed her village in Dersim. Her eyes filled with tears every time. But Aysel was always a very strong woman. She was trying to stand strong again, but she was aware of how much the prison's effect on her illness had affected her. She also said that she had serious difficulties in meeting her basic needs in the natural flow of life. She said when she asks somebody to bring something from outide, she sometimes forgets that she did so, and ask them again. She spoke gratefully about the struggle of her friends for her and thanked everyone very much.”


Ballıkaya stated that the fact that visits were not allowed in prisons for the last two years due to the pandemic also affected her. Aysel said, "When you are held in prison for too long, you may not be comfortable even with your favorite person after a while. Then you have to change places. Aysel was always a faithful and determined person, both when she was a student and during her legal career. We will continue her struggle for freedom and for women as comrades. Ballıkaya stated that unjust detention and injustice should be remedied and said, “Aysel has always been in a peaceful struggle. She has always been a politician on the side of rights and freedoms. She has always been a politician who defends democracy. That's why these things are being done to Aysel."


Stressing that Tugluk's treatment means the prohibition of politics and advocacy for women, Ballıkaya said, "It is clear from the hospital and medical report that her illness has progressed and she will not well enough to remain in prison. Unfortunately, ATK made a political decision by ignoring all medical and scientific reports with its report. If her detention continues with this political decision, unfortunately, it is necessary to say with regret that Tuğluk's illness will progress and reach an irreversible point."


Calling on the Ministry of Justice, ATK and the court, Ballıkaya said, “We have a call to make. The penitentiary system should not be a revenge system. It should not turn into a system that completely cuts people off from life.  It is against the law to want a person to be held in prison despite her health condition."


Reminding that Tuğluk has been a lawyer registered in the Istanbul Bar Association for 30 years and that she is a member of the Turkish Bar Associations (TBB), Ballıkaya emphasized that the  Bar Associations should protect Tuğluk and object to this situation. Ballıkaya said: “Unfortunately, the Istanbul Bar Association and the Turkish Bar Associations are completely silent on this issue. The TTB did not take a stand and joined the preventive attitude taken by the ATK and the Ministry of Justice. These institutions are institutions that are responsible for defending their colleagues and the law as required by their duties. First of all, these institutions need to be on the same side with their colleagues before the Ministry of Justice. This double standard needs end as soon as possible. The TTB, especially the Istanbul Bar Association, must seek ways to ensure that Tuğluk, who is a member, regains her health and freedom.”

MA / Esra Solin Dal