Kurdish journalists: KDP must end this attitude immediately

  • actual
  • 13:11 14 April 2022
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VAN - Kurdish journalists drew attention to the statements that the KDP would take part in cross-border operations with Turkey and demanded that the KDP immediately abandon this attitude.
While the military operation launched by Turkey on April 23, 2021 against the Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region has continued for a year, the air strikes against Shengal and Makhmur Camp continue. It is claimed that a new operation was decided in the frequent meetings between Ankara and Hewlêr following the joint operations with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). While military shipments have been made to the border line for about a month, the KDP's operational support to Turkey continues despite all the reactions. Kurdish journalists living in four parts of Kurdistan evaluated the purpose of the operation and the attitude of the KDP to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA).
Serdar Altan, co-chair of the Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG), said that the role of the Kurdish press is very important in resolving the problems among the Kurds. Altan said, "The Kurdish press should play a decisive role for the formation of national unity. First of all, a healthy communication must be established in order to solve the problems among the Kurds. In this regard, the Kurdistan press has a great role to play and the media must fulfill this responsibility. Unity is essential for the Kurds to be strong. The only solution for the Kurds to gain a status is national unity. Kurdistan media has a role in the formation of Kurdish national unity. The media can provide a healthy communication between the Kurdish forces." 
Stating that the KDP has lost its character as a Kurdish party due to its wrong policies in foreign policy, Altan said, "The KDP is not working for the interests of the Kurdish people, but for its own family interests. The KDP isn't a Kurdish party anymore. The press needs to handle this very well. It is necessary to raise awareness of the Kurdish people. This hostile approach of the KDP must be condemned. The media in four parts of Kurdistan should handle this well. In the 21st century, it is imperative for the Kurds to ensure their unity. Whatever the obstacle is in front of this, it is necessary to handle and solve it correctly. These are necessary to resolve this issue. Recently, the Barzani family's investments abroad have been covered in the press. Society needs to see this situation very well. The KDP now needs to act in line with the interests of the Kurdish people." 
Berîtan Behrem Xalit, who works as a journalist in North East Syria, stated that the meeting traffic between the KDP and Turkey has gained momentum recently, and that Turkey is preparing to invade many Kurdish regions with the support of the KDP. Xalit said, “There are so many mistakes that the KDP has done against the Kurds. We know that all the deportation operations were carried out by Turkey with the support of the KDP. Although these attacks took place with the support of the KDP, they never succeeded. Friends of Kurds and democracy forces in the world watch this attitude displayed by the KDP in astonishment. How does a Kurdish force do such a thing? They are asking the question. KDP cooperates with Turkey for its own family and individual interests. The KDP cooperates with the enemies of the Kurds to destroy the Kurdish people. No matter how much it said that it is a Kurdish party, it never priotorised the interests of the Kurdish people. If the KDP is a Kurdish party, why is it collaborating with Turkey?”
Reminding that with the support of the KDP, a 250-kilometer-long, 3-meter-high and 75-centimeter-thick wall was built between Shengal, which is under siege by the Iraqi Army, and Northern and Eastern Syria, Behrem Xalit said that it is necessary to ask the KDP what these walls mean. Behrem Xalit said, “Everyone should question the KDP's relations with those who want to destroy the Kurds. Everyone knows that this wall was built to break the ties between Shengal and Rojava. The KDP wants to destroy the Kurds. This is not the only thing the KDP has done against Kurds. History will provide this information for you. Another important point is that, the main objective of the KDP is to liquidate the Kurdish freedom movement. The Kurdish people need to understand this very well.”
Omer Hujebri, who works as a journalist in Rojhilat, said that the KDP damaged the gains of the Kurds in four parts of Kurdistan. Hujebri said that the KDP once cooperated with the Iranian government and tried to end the struggle of the Kurds here, and that it continues the same policy with Turkey today. Hujebri said, “The KDP made an agreement in Iran in the 1970s. After Iran liquidated the KDP-I, they had some negotiations with the Iraqi government. Then the KDP and Mele Mustafa Barzani surrendered, even though they had tens of thousands of soldiers and financial means, they gave up on the Kurdistan revolution. Then the Kurds became refugees in Iran. After the people's revolution in Iran in 1979, people's parties began to form in Rojhilat Kurdistan. KDP, in cooperation with Iran's Shah Khomeini, martyred thousands of Kurdish people's children."
Hujebri, who said that the KDP has always relied on the occupying states since its establishment and wanted to eliminate those who wanted the Kurds' freedom, stated that after the independence referendum held in 2017, the KDP had no legitimacy left in the point of view of the Kurds. Hujebrî said, “There was an election in Bashur in 2017. In these elections, 70-80 percent of the people boycotted the elections and the vote raid remained at 20 percent. In this case, a party that receives 20 percent of the vote has no legitimacy in the world public opinion. The KDP is now in communication with the Turkish state and is trying to form a government within the Sadr movement in Iraq. The KDP always produces policies by relying on outside powers. Turkey, supported by the KDP, launched an invasion movement to the Medya Defense Zones, the Piranshah region of Rojhilat Kurdistan and many border regions of Rojava, from here to many areas of Bashur Kurdistan. The only force resisting this is the PKK. Previously, politicians there had personally declared that the HPG forces were the only force defending Bashure Kurdistan during ISIS attacks. But what is the KDP doing now? It is playing the leading role in the liquidation of the PKK.
Aziz Köylüoğlu, who works as a journalist in the Federated Kurdistan Region, said that the KDP has been doing business with Turkey since 1980 and said, "The cooperation between the KDP and the Turkish state have been continuing systematically since 1981. With the invasion of Iraq by the US forces in 2003, a standoff broke out between the KDP and Turkey, and this political standoff continued until 2017. Between 2003 and 2017, the KDP was trying to present itself as neutral in Turkish politics, but after the failure of the KDP, after the independence referendum held in Bashur in 2017, the people completely surrendered their will to Turkey. Since then, it has been acting in cooperation with the Turkish state.
Saying that the KDP has launched a multifaceted and systematic war to end the PKK since 2021, Köylüoğlu said that the people of Southern Kurdistan do not accept this situation. Köylüoğlu concluded his words as follows; “The KDP is trying to attack the PKK movement with a multifaceted war. It wants to occupy some regions and there is a conflict between the KDP and the PKK. Turkey wants to occupy the Xelifan region, as well as the KDP is making military shipments and carrying ammunition to the Xelifan region. It also provides intelligence about the region to Turkey. The KDP's cooperation with Turkey is not limited to Southern Kurdistan. Turkey wants to be a force in Iraq with the support of the KDP and wants to be influential on the newly formed Iraqi government. The public is uncomfortable with this attitude of the KDP. The demand of the people is that the KDP immediately abandon this policies. The political parties working in Bashur are protesting to this situation. People no longer have patience. This reaction of the people was reflected in the elections and the KDP lost 50 percent of the votes.”
MA / Hakan Yalcin