Catalonian Parliament: Turkey's attacks must be stopped

NEWS CENTER - The Catalonian Parliament reacted to Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region in partnership with the KDP, and made a statement saying, "The world's condoning Erdogan's aggression will cause more bloodshed."
In a statement regarding Turkey's attacks on Avaşîn, Zap and Metina regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region, in partnership with the KDP, the Council of Speakers of the Catalonia Parliament said, "While Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying to play a mediator role in the Ukraine war and present himself as a man of peace, in Federated Kurdistan he launched a renewed, large-scale military offensive against the region. Turkey's aim is to depopulate that region and then seize it."
Stating that the policy of denial and war against the Kurdish people is the basic principle of the leadership of Turkey and AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan, the statement said, “Erdogan's efforts to mediate on the external stage are also to cover up the policy of genocide and war he has been implementing in Turkey, Kurdistan and the region in general. The recent Newroz celebrations on March 21 included a statement of the Kurdish national unity position, and more than 10 million Kurds in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey gave a clear message to Erdogan; They stated that they would not bow to Erdogan's brutality and annihilation policy. Torture and murders of Kurdish political prisoners, attacks on People's Democratic Party (HDP) offices, and arrests of people attending Newroz celebrations have increased since the Newroz celebrations. Meanwhile, Turkey's airstrikes against the Kurds in Rojava and northern and eastern Syria intensified as well."
The statement continues as follows: "“Millions of Kurds have expressed to the people of Turkey and the world that peace in Turkey and the region will be possible only with the freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Erdogan is currently facing multiple internal crises, including a spiralling economic situation, and is trying to protect and strengthen himself by intensifying Turkey's war against the Kurds to garner nationalist support. By playing the role of mediator in the Ukraine crisis, it demands a unique geopolitical position between NATO and Russia. If the world continues to turn a blind eye to Erdogan's aggression, it will cause more bloodshed, new migrations and instability in Kurdistan and the Middle East."
The Council of Speakers of the Parliament of Catalonia listed the measures to be taken against the events as follows:
* We call on all governments and international organizations, including the United Nations, NATO, EU, Council of Europe and the Arab League, to take urgent measures against the military operation in Southern Kurdistan's Shikefta Birîndara, Kurojahro, Çiyayê Reş and Zap regions, which is a violation of international law.
* While we condemn the political alliances with Turkey between the EU and its member states, we demand that the Spanish State stop the supply of military supplies to Turkey.
* We openly condemn this aggression and demand that Turkey withdraw its troops from Southern Kurdistan.
* We call on political parties, human rights organizations, peace organizations, trade unionists and activists to oppose Turkey's aggression.
* We defend the legitimacy of Kurdish parties that struggle democratically to defend the interests, rights and freedoms of Kurdish citizens.
* Pursuant to the decision of the European Court of Human Rights dated December 10, 2019, we reject the life sentence given to Osman Kavala and demand his release.”
The statement was accepted with the support of ERC, JxCat, CUP, NCGI COMUNS parties under the presidency of the parliament. ERC and JxCat are in the government, while other parties are in the opposition.