112 people were killed in 7 years in Turkey's attacks

NEWS CENTER - At least 112 civilians lost their lives and hundreds were injured in the air strikes carried out by Turkey against the Federated Kurdistan Region since 2015.
The AKP government has been continuing its attacks on the residential areas of the Federated Kurdistan Region since July 24, 2015. At least 112 people, including children and women, lost their lives and hundreds were injured in the air attacks carried out by Turkey against many cities in the region, especially Makhmur and Shengal. In Turkey's latest drone attack on Bamernê on May 26, 3 people, 2 of whom are children, lost their lives.
According to the report prepared by the CPT Iraqi Kurdistan Bureau, 109 civilians lost their lives in Turkey's attacks in the region from 2015 to 2021.
One of the biggest massacres of 2015, when the attacks started, was with the bombardment of the Zergelê village in Qandil by fighter jets. On August 1, 2015, 8 civilians, including 2 women, one of whom was pregnant, lost their lives and 27 people were seriously injured in the air strike on the village of Zergelê. The names of 8 people are as follows: “Necip Rojhilat, Salih Mihemed Emin, Karox Mihemed Emin, Heybet Mihemed Emin, Nedim Piro, Êyşê Xıdır, Abdulkadir and Mihemed Emin.”
In the attacks carried out by Turkey between 2017 and 2018, at least 30 civilians were killed and dozens were injured.
Some of Turkey's attacks on settlements in 2019 and later, which caused deaths, are as follows:
January 23, 2019: 4 civilians were killed in the air attacks on Dêralok town of Amediye. Despite the obstruction of the public order forces against Turkey's massacres on January 25, the people gathered in Dêralok and protested. The people of Behdinan marched towards the Sîre Military Base in Sheladize. Then they entered the military base, set fire to military vehicles and stoned the base. In the attack of Turkish soldiers here, 2 civilians lost their lives and 6 civilians were injured. Among those killed was a child.
June 25, 2019: In the bombardment of a civilian vehicle underway in the Goşin region of Hewler's Soran district by Turkish fighter jets, one of the two brothers in the vehicle died and the other was seriously injured.
Berd Kuran village of Kortek Mountain in the Federated Kurdistan Region. Abdula family members, father Abdula Ali Mîne (53) and his children Kurdistan Abdula (30) and Heryad Abdula (19) died. Mother Rabi Mihemed and Mihemed Abdula, Taybet Mihemed Abdula, Benaz Abdula and 1 person whose name could not be learned, were injured.
June 18, 2020: Ebas Mexdît was killed in the air attacks on Turkey's Sidekan region.
June 19, 2020: Turkish warplanes bombed the residential areas in the Sheladize town's rural area of ​​Duhok's Amediyê district, 5 civilians lost their lives.
June 24, 2020: 2 civilians lost their lives in the bombardment of the picnic area in the Sarbajêr district of the city of Sulaymaniyah.
July 27, 2020: Dilovan Şahîn, Omer Keşanî and Ebdullah Ehmed lost their lives in the TAF (Turkish Armed Forces) bombardment against the Amediyê countryside.
According to the report prepared by the CPT Iraqi Kurdistan Office, the attacks carried out by Turkey only in 2021 and the people who lost their lives are as follows:
May 25, 2021: 20-year-old Bawer Ahmed was injured while watering his field in Deşişe village as a result of Turkish artillery fire. Other farmers in the area were also injured by shrapnel fragments.
May 26, 2021: 16-year-old Ali Muhsin and 20-year-old Hasan Muhsin brothers were injured in the bombing of the Turkish village of Biherê while they were grazing their animals.
June 1, 2021: Ramazan Ali, 70, was injured by artillery fire by Turkey's soldiers while watering his fields in Hirure.
July 8, 2021: A civilian was injured in the village of Hirure as a result of Turkey's fire on agricultural lands from the base areas.
August 13, 2021: Ibrahem Hassan Mohamad (51) was shot by Turkish soldiers while watering his fields in the village of Deşişe in Kani Masi. Villagers were forced to migrate due to the Turkish army's operation earlier this year. Mohamad had briefly returned to the village with 12 others to water the fields to support their families.
August 20, 2021: Ahmed Şakir (40) and Yousif Amir (26) were killed by Turkish soldiers' artillery fire in the Batifa district of Zaxo. The families of Şakir and Amir, who came to the region as tourists from Mosul, learned that their relatives lost their lives after the remains were found 2 days after the incident.
The report of the CPT Iraqi Kurdistan Bureau also included the following: “We have reported that 109 civilians have been killed since 2015, we documented that more than 120 civilians were injured as a result of these attacks. 648 villages are in danger of being completely emptied. There are about 55-60 families living in these villages. If there is even a single family left, we do not call that village an 'emptied village'. We call it a village in danger of being emptied. 150 villages have been completely emptied.”