Police attack on Justice Watch

ISTANBUL - Attacking the families staging a  sit-in for justice, the police battered and detained scores of people. Condemning the police intervention, HDP's Musa Piroğlu said: "We are here so that Aysel Tuğluk and Mehmet Emin Özkan will not lose their life."
The Justice Watch demonstration in front of the Istanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan continued in its 11th week for the relatives of the prisoners, the ill prisoners and the prisoners who are not released from prison despite having served their time. Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-spokesperson Esengül Demir, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul MP Musa Piroğlu, Marmara Association for Assistance with the Families of prisoners and Convicts(MATUAY-DER) Co-chairperson Nesim Özkan, Co-chairperson of the Migration Monitoring Association (GÖÇİZDER) Kamile Kandar, Association for Assistance and Solidarity with Families Losing Relatives of Anatolia (ANYAKAY-DER), Association for Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), HDP Youth council members, Socialist Re-Establishment Party (SYKP) members and many people supported the Justice Watch.
Relatives of the prisoners were blocked from making a statement due to the ban decision of the Kağıthane District Government.
Condemning to the situation, HDP Istanbul MP Musa Piroğlu said: “We are here against the violations of rights in the prison. We are here so that Mehmet Özkan and Aysel Tuğluk do not lose their life. We are here so that people don't get out of the prisons in coffins."
To the police who tried to prevent HDP's Piroğlu and prisoners relatives, Fince Akman, relative of a prisoner said: "You go on an on about right and law. We have a right to live. We are not afraid of you.”
The police then attacked Piroğlu and the mothers and then dragging them on the ground. Other protesters condemning the situation were also detained with police violence.
The names of those detained are as follows: Relatives of a prisoner Fince Akman and Kumru Akgül, BDP administrator Sıtkı Tatlıcıoğulları, HDP Youth Council members Ahmet Bayazıt, Fırat Kaya and ANYAKAYDER member Fırat Demir were detained.