Zaxo statement from HDP MYK: Parliament should convene urgently

NEWS CENTER - Reacting to the attack on Perex village of Zaxo city, HDP MYK called for an emergency meeting to the General Assembly of the Parliament and said: "The massacre in Zaxo is the second Roboski".
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Committee condemned the Zaxo attack carried out by Turkey with the cooperation of the Federated Kurdistan Regional Government with a written statement.
Condemning the attack, the statement said, “According to the information we obtained from local sources, 12 people lost their lives and 20 people, including the seriously injured, are being treated. We wish God's mercy on those who lost their lives, our condolences and we wish patience to their families and our people, and a speedy recovery to the injured. As it is known, civilians were massacred in civilian settlements such as Shengal and Makhmur with the same methods before. 3 people, 2 of whom were children, were killed in the attack on Bamernê on May 26. According to the report prepared by the CPT Iraqi Kurdistan Bureau, at least 112 people, including children and women, were killed and hundreds were injured in the air strikes carried out by the AKP government against many cities in the region, especially Makhmur and Shengal, since 2015. Bombing civilian settlements is a crime against humanity and a war crime. Turkey is a direct party to the international conventions that prohibit this."
The statement continues as follows:  “The government is politically and legally responsible for this massacre, which will go down in history as the second Roboski massacre. This massacre also means an attack on the sovereignty of another country. The perpetrators and decision makers must be prosecuted. As a party that fights for a region and world without wars and conflicts, we reiterate once again that cross-border military operations and attacks must be stopped as soon as possible, and we condemn this massacre in the strongest terms. In addition, since the bill that opened the door to this massacre was passed by the parliament, we are publicly requesting that the President of the Parliament immediately call the General Assembly for an emergency meeting with this agenda.”