Condemnation Zakho massacre from Women Strong Together: The murderers should be tried

ISTANBUL - Condemning Turkey's massacre in Zakho, Women Strong Together said: "As women who are on the side of life not death, peace not war, and who know the violence of the male-state well, we call them to accaunt: The murderers should be prosecuted!"
Women Strong Together (KBG) has published a written statement regarding the massacre it carried out against the Perex village of Zakho district of Duhok city in the Federated Kurdistan Region of Turkey. In the statement, KBG, condemning the massare, reminded that people who had a picnic on July 20 were hit by artillery and most of them were women and children.
In the statement, which stated that 9 people, one of whom was a baby, were killed: "While the Iraqi Government said that the Turkish Armed Forces carried out the bombardment, Turkey resorted to its usual 'terrorism' rhetoric. We are unfortunately too familiar with this story. Those responsible, who were tried to be covered up by saying 'fight against terrorism', were never brought to light, We know the massacres that go unpunished primarily from Roboski."
In the continuation of the statement, which pointed out that the AKP-MHP government has grown the war economy in the economic crisis, the following statements were made: "The more the government finds no way out, the more it clings to war policies. The reason for this massacre is this war policy, like the previous ones, the shaping of domestic and foreign policy through the war against the Kurds, for this purpose all kinds of unlawfulness are openly encouraged. This massacre will not be the last unless those responsible are brought to trial. This violence and its threat will continue to shape our lives, so as women who are on the side of life not death, peace not war, and who know the violence of the male-state well, we call them to account: The murderers should be prosecuted!"