Turkey kills the commander of the operation defated ISIS

NEWS CENTER - Turkish drones assassinated Jiyan Tolhildan, one of the YPJ commanders who commanded the operation to end ISIS, and two of her friends, on their return from the Middle East Women's Revolution Forum.
Turkey's drones targeted a vehicle on the Qamishlo road yesterday and 3 people lost their lives as a result of the attack. Yekineyên Parastina Jin (YPJ) and the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that Jiyan Tolhildan, one of the Anti-Terrorist Forces (YAT) commanders, and Roj Xabûr, one of the commanders of the YAT, and Barîn Botan, a member of the YAT, lost their lives in the attack. In the statement, it was announced that YPJ members attended the Middle East Women's Revolution Forum held in Qamishlo on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, and their vehicles were targeted upon their return.
Jiyan Tolhildan, one of the YPJ commanders who lost her life in the attack, was the YPJ Deir ez-Zor Field commander during the Cizre Storm operation in the Baxoz village of Hecin town of Deir ez-Zor, which was launched in 2019 with the aim of ending ISIS.