​​​​​​​Farhad al-Shami: Jihadi generation grows up in al-Hol Camp

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  • 09:48 7 September 2022
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​​​​​​​NEWS CENTER - SDF Media Center Official Farhad Shami noted that al-Hol and Roj Camps and ISIS prison files were directly linked to the ISIS Caliphate or “khilāfah”. He drew attention to the killing of all ISIS caliphs in the occupied areas and said: "al-Hol Camp represents a second attempt to establish the Caliphate.
On August 25th, the Internal Security Forces supported by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the People's Protection Units (YPG) and the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) announced the second phase of the "Humanity and Security" campaign in al-Hol Camp. The campaign, which continues to date, has resulted in a " A number of trenches, ISIS training headquarters, prisons, torture and murder tools and a quantity of ammunition were found, in addition to the arrest of a number of ISIS sleeper cell mercenaries and a number of suspects.
SDF Media Center Official Farhad Shami, spoke to ANHA’s agency about the progression the campaign and its results to date.
Farhad Shami commented on the international forces' neglect of the world's most dangerous camps (al-Hol Camp): "If this place has become a ticking time bomb and the crisis in it has worsened to this extent, it is those who have turned their backs on this issue and have not resolved the issue of ISIS from its roots."
'The generation growing up in al-Hol Camp is more dangerous than ISIS '
Referring to the existence of the al-Hol Camp on their agenda and the world's agenda for some time, Shami spoke of the danger of the camp, saying: "This camp has witnessed many killings, rebellions by ISIS/Daesh women and child abuse. The world's press addresses these issues, as well as in United Nations documents.
The threat of al-Hol Camp has been exposed for a long time. At first, the families of ISIS/Daesh mercenaries went to al-Hol Camp as an urgent option, and there have been signs of danger ever since they were heading for defeat in al-Baghouz town. When the women of ISIS/Daesh came, they said that "Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi promised to save us, and this will be a temporary place for us to develop our ideology, it is a place where we are building a new generation of ISIS/Daesh", so the danger of the camp has reached a point where it has become more like a ticking time bomb. ISIS is now on this ground killing people and building a new generation. The biggest danger is that a new generation of ISIS is being created inside the camp. This generation will be more dangerous than ISIS; So there was a great need for this campaign. "
Al-Hol Camp represents the second attempt to establish a succession “ISIS Caliphate” '
Shami stated the reason for the launch of the second phase of the campaign "Humanity and Security", saying: "ISIS/Daesh in this camp has begun to revive itself again and return to what it once was. ISIS was founded in these camps by a few people, and once they found the opportunity to deploy and establish their own state. Al-Hol is the second attempt at succession. And that's really a danger everyone sees. Therefore, although this campaign was delayed by the Turkish state's attacks, it was urgently needed. Regardless of the extent to which the international community has turned a blind eye to it and merely talked about the threat it poses and its failure to take concrete steps on this issue; The SDF and Internal Security Forces cannot, of course, ignore this threat; because this ticking time bomb is present in our regions and poses a major threat to our areas and gains.”
Shami continued, referring to why the SDF was involved in the second phase of the "Humanity and Security" campaign and said: "The SDF are military forces for border protection, and external operations are carried out by the SDF. There is, of course, a formal administrative system for North-western Syria, but ISIS/Daesh is not merely an internal matter, and this scourge cannot be interfered with and dealt with solely by the Internal Security Forces. That is why the SDF joined this campaign as a support. The whole world knows that the SDF has experience in countering ISIS/Daesh terrorism. If these forces had not supported this campaign, ISIS/Daesh would have considered this campaign to be taking place only from within, and would have found an opportunity from outside. his cells inside the camp were even seen as an opportunity to attack the security forces and take some steps ".
ISIS's plan to build three corridors
"The SDF is now encircling the camp. There have been numerous attempts by ISIS to open the corridors. During the previous period, we revealed their attempts to build three corridors, one of which was access from the occupied areas, namely the line of Jabal Kazuan to al-Sina’a Prison and transit from there to al-Hol and then to Tel Koçer
. That was their initial plan. The second passage was from the Iraqi border, specifically from east of Deir ez-Zor to Tel Koçer. They noted; Many of our martyrs have risen to the rank of the martyrdom over the past periods on the Tel Koçer Line. The third passage was through the Syrian Badia, where ISIS secret cells tried to cross the river, specifically seeking to cross this Euphrates River, and the Damascus Government turned a blind eye to them on the pretext of being preoccupied with other wars. However, other lanes remained on the Iraqi and Turkish borders; Because the Iraqi Government has not provided the necessary support and the Turkish state has always followed these cells to reach al-Hol Camp through this corridor. The SDF therefore took on the main role to be able to isolate the al-Hol Camp from the surrounding sleeper cells and tighten its control of the camp. "
 “Caliph” supervises the camp and prison in particular '
The ongoing campaign in al-Hol Camp to date has resulted in numerous documents that corroborate and confirm relations between ISIS and the occupied Turkish state. Farhad Shami commented on the relations between ISIS and the Turkish occupying state, particularly in al-Hol Camp: "The role of the Turkish state in the world has been known. But some people ignore this and don't want to see and expose this relationship, which is what increases the threat of ISIS. If international forces do not recognize relations between ISIS and Turkey, disclose documents in their possession and hand over the Turkish state to the Court, the threat of ISIS will continue to increase.
Relations between Turkish intelligence “MIT” services and sleepers’ cells in al-Hol Camp
"One of the most visible things in this campaign; Relations between Turkish intelligence services and ISIS cells ", in these words Shami explained the role of Turkish intelligence services inside the camp and continued:" Many mercenaries and families have sought to escape, and the Turkish intelligence services have established many relations between them. The places where mercenary families are located in the camp highlight the direct involvement of Turkish intelligence services in their movements. When Turkish state attacks are increasing, they are active directly. When you see that the SDF is not busy with borders, they hide and stop for a while. That is why it is not an unbeknownst matter.
Intelligence is behind it, which the Turkish state has used well on its borders and is now seeking to make good use of these files, among us also to be able to revive them again so that they can exert influence over the region. "
'The third generation of ISIS is the most dangerous'
Al-Hol Camp has a jihadi generation, and the generation being brainwashed by ISIS ideology is the greatest threat to the world. Farhad Shami commented: "When we say that al-Hol Camp is like a ticking time bomb, we don't say that there are a few bullets and weapons in it. They seek to dominate ISIS's mentality in the camp. When we say that ISIS is in al-Hol Camp; We're talking about the third generation. We rate ISIS for three generations. The first generation was before ISIS and represented by al-Qaeda, which formed the basis of ISIS and the second generation that founded ISIS. The third generation is the children who are now growing up. For example, when journalists enter the camp, four-year-olds attack them. These children were born when their families came to the camp in 2019 and now represent the camp's third generation. According to humanitarian organizations, 60 children are born here every month to ISIS. Between 2019 and 2022, 1,000 and 800 children were born to ISIS. These ISIS children attack journalists with stones and throw stones at the institutions here and the people who provide them with logistics. When they turn towards them, they draw the symbol of succession with their hands and say we will slaughter you. That's dangerous. This generation that grew up in hatred seeks revenge for its fathers, relatives and Amirs. "
'The liberation of the Yazidi fulfilled great pride '
According to Farhad al-Shami, speaking on a daily basis on this file, we will try as much as we can, especially under the leadership of the Women's Protection Units (YPJ), to free every Yazidi woman wherever she is. The liberation of” Wafa” was great pride for us. And to deal with this issue directly. Saving a life from these monsters is a very important matter. More than 120 people have now been arrested here. They are now forced to build a new system rather than one that is now fragmented. This is a major achievement of this process. "
Our handling of this subject will be different after the campaign '
The SDF Media Center Official noted that the world's countries were the cause of this time bomb, which is about to explode, and said: "The SDF and Internal Security Forces have long assumed their responsibilities in relation to the ISIS file. We have defeated ISIS, and we have wiped out a great danger globally. Henceforth, especially after this process, the primary responsibility lies with the international community. There are children and women from 50 to 60 countries around the world. They all know that these are terrorists. But when these countries do not take their children and women, they contribute to the revival of ISIS. If those States take them, prosecute them and integrate them into their communities, then the source of ISIS's benefit will be depleted. But when it turns its back on this issue, it allows the crisis created by ISIS to worsen even further here. So far only 20 States have taken a number of children from their nationals and have not even taken their women. The world's countries deal with this issue in accordance with their interests. Of course, our approaches to this issue will be different after this process and from now on, we are telling international forces; This place has become a time bomb and the crisis has worsened to this extent; Only those who turned their backs on this issue and did not resolve the issue of ISIS at its root. "