Turkish State's 'illegal radios' are making propaganda

  • actual
  • 12:53 27 September 2022
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MARDIN - While dozens of radios were shut down after the state of emergency in Turkey, a large number of "illegal broadcasting" radios were set up in the region for propaganda purposes by the Ministry of Interior. The radios established in the district governorship and trustee municipalities are used as special warfare tools.
After the coup attempt on July 15, 2016 in Turkey, a total of 178 media outlets were closed until December 31, 2016, with the Decree Law No. 668 issued within the scope of the State of Emergency (OHAL) declared on July 20, 2016. 3 news agencies, 16 televisions, 45 newspapers, 15 magazines and 23 radios were among the media organs that were closed with the Decree-Law. During this time, hundreds of journalists were arrested, while radio and television channels broadcasting in Kurdish were especially targeted. Media organs close to the government were tried to be replaced by media organs that were closed in Kurdish cities. In this context, many radio stations were set up in Kurdish cities, in addition to websites that are under security control.
Radios established under the name of "fight against terrorism", especially in Kurdish cities, were put into operation by "illegal broadcasting". While the radios that broadcast close to the Turkish state in the region and especially to the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu are designed as local radios, they continue their broadcasts in Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic and in some cities in English in order to attract attention.
While most of the established radios broadcast from the district governor's offices, it was learned that there were also radios established in HDP municipalities where trustees were appointed. While the transmitters of some of them are located in the buildings of trustee municipalities, Başak Radio, which was established in the Kızıltepe district of Mardin, uses the municipality both as a center and as a transmitter point.
The radios in question, which have been "illegal broadcasting" for a long time, have been repeatedly complained about by private radios under the control of RTÜK. However, neither RTÜK nor the district governorships paid attention to these complaints. After a while, when the complaints about these radios started to increase, the Ministry of Interior started to collect the radios that it had made "illegal broadcast" under a single company name. In this context, a company was established with Erciş FM and Tutak FM established in Van, where the radios are headquartered. While the radios established in RTÜK records were generally recorded as Erciş FM and Tutak FM, it was stated that they were TRT institutions.
Accordingly, the radios established in the cities of the region are as follows;
* Başak FM, which was established in the Kızıltepe district of Mardin with the frequency of 97.7 in January 2019, was established with the support of the Kızıltepe District Governorship. The governor, district governor, AKP Provincial President and AKP MPs attended the opening of the radio together with the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu. Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu is among the first guests of the radio broadcasting in Kurdish and Turkish. The transmitters of Başak FM, on the other hand, are located on the Kızıltepe Municipality building, which is under the management of the trustee. In RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
* Another radio established in Mardin was Nusaybin FM broadcasting on 99.0 frequency. Established in March 2019, Nusaybin FM was inaugurated by then-Mardin Governor and trustee Mustafa Yaman, and then AKP executives and AKP Mardin Metropolitan Mayor Candidate Mehmet Vejdi Kahraman. In RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
* In January 2020, the radio named Barış Pınarı FM, supported by the Governor's Office Syria Support and Coordination Center, was established in Urfa. The radio, which broadcasts in Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic and English, was enabled to broadcast on different frequencies in Urfa and Northern and Eastern Syria. In this context, frequencies of 106.0 in Urfa, 106.2 in Ceylanpınar and Serêkanî, and 105.8 in Akçakale and Girê Spî were put into service of the said radio. After a while, TRT joined the list of supporters of the said radio.
* Delal FM broadcasts established in Antep on 99.5 and 95.9 frequencies. Broadcasting mainly in Arabic, Delal FM focuses on the programs of Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu and AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan in its broadcasts for Northern and Eastern Syria cities; however, its name is not included in the radio's RTÜK records.
* Broadcasting is done on the 90.0 frequency under the name Erciş FM in Van. Radio was founded by the Erciş District Governorship in January 2019. In RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
* Similarly, Tutak FM started broadcasting on 94.4 frequency in Ağrı in January 2019. In RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
* Doğubeyazıt Radio started broadcasting on 104.4 frequency In Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı in January 2019. In RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
* While broadcasting on the Çukurca FM 91.1 frequency, established in Hakkari, the radio's official website states its supporters as Çukurca District Governorate and Ministry of Interior. On the website of the radio, it is stated that "Cukurca FM, which was established by the Çukurca District Governorship of Hakkari with the support of the Ministry of Interior, started broadcasting on September 17, 2018 with a frequency of 91.1". It is mentioned as a TRT institution in RTÜK records. Its name is mentioned as Çukurca FM in RTÜK records.
* While Yüksekova FM was established at 95.1 frequency in Yüksekova district of Hakkari, its supporters are seen as the Ministry of Interior and Yüksekova District Governorship. In RTÜK records, it is referred to as the TRT Institution. In RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
* Cizre Nergis FM, which was established under the District Governor's Office in Şırnak's Cizre district and supported by TRT, broadcasts on the 96.0 frequency. While the radio constantly receives guests from the Governor of Şırnak, district governors and trustees, it is mentioned as a TRT institution in the records. Also in RTÜK records, its name is Erciş FM, Tutak FM.
MA / Ahmet Kanbal