Actions against chemical weapons: 'Rally for Humanity' was a start

  • actual
  • 15:03 12 November 2022
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ŞIRNAK - Stating that the "Rally for Humanity" held in Silopi was the start of the actions to be taken against the use of chemical weapons, representatives of the political parties and organisations that organised the rally said: "This rally was a great hope for the resistance."
While the attacks launched by Turkey against the Zap, Avaşîn and Metina regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region in partnership with the KDP left behind in the sixth month, Turkey, which could not get the desired result, used chemical weapons 2,500 times. The Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Tevgera Jinên Azad (Free Women's Movement -TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Peace Mothers, in Tilqebîn town of Şirnex's Silopiya district, on November 6. Council, the Federation of Legal Solidarity Associations with the Families of Detainees and Convicts (MED TUHAD-FED), the Association for Assistance, Solidarity and Culture with Families Losing Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER), Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM), Migration Platform and the Mesopotamia Ecology Movement organised "Chemistry Against Humanity Rally” against chemical weapons. Despite the attacks of soldiers and police with gas, water cannon and rubber bullets, thousands of people crossed streams and hills and came together in Tilqebîn town to rally.
HDP, DBP and TJA, which organised the rally, made an evaluation after the "Rally for Humanity".
Stating that the spirit of resistance emerged during the rally, TJA activist Güler Tunç said: “As Kurdistani institutions and organisations, we have set a one-month plan before us against the use of chemical weapons. There was a very strong participation from Serhad, Amed, Çukurova and Botan to the rally. We wanted to march as far as the Habur Border Gate, but this was not allowed. The ban of the Şırnak Governorate was cited as the reason for not giving permission. Like every other activity we do, they considered it 'illegal'. We insisted on the rally and there was an attack on our audience. Those who say they do not use chemical weapons have admitted that they are actually committing war crimes by attacking the masses.”
Pointing out that it is necessary to take a stronger stance against the use of chemical weapons, Tunç said: “A very important stance was taken against these attacks. We held a pride parade there. Undoubtedly, this is not enough because the war is still going on in Bashur Kurdistan. We will raise our voice against the use of chemical weapons on every platform. The rally for Humanity was a start. It has to grow even more. As the institutions and parties of this region, we will raise our voices against crimes against humanity.”