İkbal Eren: The state is complicit in the crime

  • actual
  • 17:05 19 November 2022
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ISTANBUL - Ikbal Eren, brother of Hayrettin Eren, who was lost 42 years ago in the Saturday Mothers action, said: "As long as the state continues to protect the perpetrators of our loved ones, it continues to be  complicit in this crime."
Saturday Mothers held online for the 921st of their protest to inquire about the fate of the disappeared and prosecute the perpetrators. Hayrettin Eren (26), who had a warrant for his arrest after the September 12 military coup and was never heard from again after he was detained by the police on November 21, 1980, was asked in this week's demonstration. Setenay Yarıcı, nephew of Hayrettin Eren, made the statement.
Stating that they have not left a place for his brother in Ikbal Eren, Hayrettin Eren's brother, for 42 years: "The law has not been applied for Eren for 42 years. Even litigation was not allowed. The perpetrators are protected. The state admits its own crime. As the state continues to protect the perpetrators of our loved ones who were killed or lost, it continues to be a partner in this crime. Everyone has the right to burial."