Mazlum Ebdi: If the attacks continue, everyone will be harmed

  • actual
  • 12:29 20 November 2022
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NEWS CENTER - SDF General Commander Mazlum Ebdi said: "If the Turkish state continues its attacks, everyone will suffer from it. The war is not limited to just here, it spreads everywhere."
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Commander Mazlum Ebdi answered Ronahi TV's questions about Turkey's air strikes. Sharing the information that many areas from Shehba to Dêrik were bombed, Ebdi said: "There was no distinction between our civilians and our military points in these attacks. There was no distinction between our forces and the Syrian state forces. We have some martyrs and wounded. According to the information we have received, the attacks will continue for a while."
Reminding that they declared that they had no relation with the explosion in Istanbul, which was the reason for the attacks, Ebdi said: "The whole world knows this. No Kurdish side has anything to do with the terrorist attack targeting civilians. They want to accuse our forces of this. Everyone should know that the current attacks have been prepared for a year but the Turkish state has justified the Istanbul attack."
Saying that Turkey wants to "revenge" and evacuate the region, Ebdi said: "This is Erdogan's game about the elections. Such attacks can never break our will. Our strength was ready for these attacks. Therefore, we do not think that they will cause great harm to our forces but if the Turkish state continues its attacks, everyone will suffer from attacks. We don't want a big war to break out. But if the Turkish state insists on war against us, we are ready for a great resistance. The war is not only limited to here, it spreads everywhere and everyone is affected by this war. We call on everyone involved to stand up for their duties and to stop the brutal attacks of the Turkish state. According to the information we received, the bombardment will continue for a little longer. In the current situation, the Turkish state on land has no mobility anywhere. We also took our precautions as military but they must act according to safety directives so that our people are not harmed.”