HDP convenes extraordinarily: The government is trying to prolong its life with attacks

  • actual
  • 13:37 20 November 2022
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ANKARA - HDP MYK, which made a statement that Turkey is trying to prolong its life with air strikes, will be holding an extraordinary meeting tomorrow.
The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Committee (MYK) issued a written statement regarding Turkey's air strikes against Northern and Eastern Syrian cities, especially Kobanê, as well as the Federated Kurdistan Region and Shengal. In the statement it was noted that the MYK will hold an extraordinary meeting tomorrow.
 In the statement titled, “The air attacks of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) must end as soon as possible!” the following statements were made: "Many civilian settlements in Northern and Eastern Syria, especially Kobanê, which has inspired all the oppressed people in the world with its epic resistance against the dark ISIS gangs and the new life model it has established, were bombed with war planes last night. Using the bomb attack on Istiklal Street, which turned out to be a dark plot of the government, as an excuse, bombs were dropped on the lands of Northern and Eastern Syria last night. It is clear that the government wants to complete what ISIS has failed to achieve in these lands, by trampling on international law. Northern and Eastern Syria is not a security threat but a hope for humanity! The real security threat is the mentality that wants to realize its dark ambitions by saying, 'We will cross the border, send two missiles and start the war,'" the statement said.
Reminding Turkey's attacks in Afrin, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê, the statement said, "Previously, the invasion attacks against Afrin and other Kurdish regions have turned the occupied areas into living spaces for ISIS and its derivatives. The attacks are not to ensure border security, as the government claims, on the contrary, they increase the threats and dangers against Turkey. It is not the Kurds who pose a threat to Turkey, but the ISIS and its derivative organizations that thrive in the occupied living areas of the Kurds.
“The AKP-MHP government, which cannot manage to rule the country and tries to prolong its life with the strategy of internal pressure and external conflict by bringing the burden of the great structural crisis to the people, is pulling the country into a great quagmire day by day.
In the face of this completely illegitimate attack on Northern and Eastern Syria, we invite national and international democratic circles, opponents of war and sensitive sections to condemn this attack and raise their voices against this unjust attack. We call on the government to abandon these dangerous initiatives and not to be a part of this conspiracy. We find the simultaneous air strikes against Kobanî, Tel Rifat and Shengal to be extremely wrong and dangerous, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the attacks with mercy, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.
Our Party Central Executive Committee will convene extraordinarily tomorrow to evaluate this attack and will share its evaluations with the public.”