The one-day cost of the war against the Kurds: $20 million

  • actual
  • 11:53 17 December 2022
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ANKARA - Journalist Ertuğrul Mavioğlu stated that the money allocated for the war against the Kurds is being spent from the pockets of the poor, and that Turkey's one-day operation cost is approximately 20 million dollars.
2023 Central Government Budget Law Proposal, adopted by the General Assembly of the Parliament, where AKP's Nurettin Canikli admitted that the ammunition dropped from an F-16 costs 400 thousand dollars, the cost of a penetrating bomb is 1.2 million dollars, and a howitzer cannon costs 5 million dollars, 470 billion TL was allocated for war and security expenditures, with an increase of 98 percent compared to the previous year. War equipment, for which billions of liras are spent, is mostly used for against Kurds. As a matter of fact, Turkey continues this war with attacks against Zap, Metina and Avaşîn in the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria.
Journalist Ertuğrul Mavioğlu evaluated the reasons and consequences of the continuation of the war policy despite the economic crisis in Turkey.
Stating that the budget allocated to the war has been discussed for years, Mavioğlu drew attention to the fact that the budget allocated to the war in Turkey represents 10 percent of the determined budget in each period. Underlining that there is a standard 20 billion dollar war expenditure, Mavioğlu said, “When we consider the invasion attacks carried out by the Turkish state almost everywhere where Kurds are located, we see that this budget has increased by 5 billion dollars. The equivalent of this figure, which is 468.7 billion liras, in the current exchange rate, is approximately 25 billion dollars.
Mavioğlu emphasized that the AKP government's over-appropriation expenditures increased to incredible proportions as the Court of Accounts ignored it. Mavioğlu said that these numbers were increased with additional budgets and this caused confusion, and said: “We do not know how much money is spent on war and lies. We are also facing unbelievable inflation. We are only talking about the cost of war, but on the other hand, there is the cost of lying. An institution called the Directorate of Communications was established under the Presidency, it constantly produces lies and media organizations are encouraged to produce lies. Along with the destruction brought by the war in Turkey, the psychological destruction also showed itself with these lies. A large part of society is unaware that the war is financed out of their pockets. A budget of 4 and a half trillion has been prepared. 8 trillion of this is covered by taxes and will be covered. At least 11 lira of every 108 lira of tax you pay in this country is spent for war.”
Mavioğlu who stated that the hunger limit in Turkey is 7 thousand liras and the poverty line is 20 thousand liras and continued as follows: "If you create a system of plunder and robbery, if you take into account the interest payments to increase such collaborative and monopolistic structures, of course, this will come at a heavy price.”
Pointing out that the pressure increased with the crisis in an environment of increasing inflation, Mavioğlu spoke as follows regarding the war policies of the government: “Turkey does not take any steps towards the solution of the Kurdish problem and the war. There are blessings brought by war. They make financial benefits from war and they are not being held accountable for these because of the war. They can easily turn Turkey into a drug haven because of the war, they find the freedom to violate the rights of the workers, they rape little children, and we learn this years later.”