Democratic Republic Conference program announced

  • actual
  • 15:58 25 January 2023
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ANKARA - The details of the "Democratic Republic Conference" to be organized by HDP, which intensified the discussions on "the situation of Turkey" in the second century of the Republic, and to which 500 people were invited, have been revealed.
The peoples of Turkey are looking for ways of democracy in the second century, after a century without a real democracy after the Republic was established on October 29, 1923. While the Republic welcomes its second century with the critical processes experienced at the global and regional political-social level, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) states that it is an important responsibility to carry out discussions on what kind of republican regime the country wants to live in as the labor, freedom and democracy forces of the country.
Calling on all institutions, organizations, parties and citizens who think about the democratic and free future of the country to seek and discuss ways to bring the Republic together with democracy, HDP said at the "Democratic Republic Conference", which was decided at the Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting held on November 10, 2022. The situation of Turkey” will carry out discussions on. HDP, which determined the program of the "Democratic Republic Conference" to be held in Istanbul on February 4-5, states that the conference is part of a search for a Democratic Republic. Invitations were sent to 500 people, including intellectuals, writers, journalists and politicians, signed by HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar.
In the first session of the conference, which will start on February 4 with the opening speeches of HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, Ahmet Türk, Murat Belge, Necmiye Alpay, Oya Baydar and Rıza Türmen, moderated the topic “The Republic: Accounting for the hundredth anniversary”. 
In the second session where “The Foundation Dynamics of the Republic” will be discussed, Ayşegül Devecioğlu will be the moderator, with the title “Was the Republic a contract”, Barış Ünlü, with the title “Kurds in the founding of the Republic” and Hamit Bozarslan with the title “A democratic nationalism-Why didn't it happen”? Tanıl Bora, Özgür Öztürk with the title "100 years of capitalism in Turkey", Hülya Osmanağaoğlu with the title "Pariarchy and feminist struggle as the founding dynamic of the Republic" and Ayhan Yalçınkaya under the title "Faiths and the Republic".
In the fourth session of the conference, the constitutional adventure of the Republic will be discussed. In the session to be moderated by Sevilay Çelenk, Murat Sevinç will take the floor on the title of "1921 Constitution: Possibility, utopia, pragmatism". At the end of the session where Dinçer Demirkent will take the floor with "The 1924 Constitution: Is it the second institution that closes the opportunity", Levent Köker will talk about the criticism of the 1961 and 1982 Constitutions in terms of the Democratic Republic.
The moderators will be Şebnem Oğuz and Onur Hamzaoğlu in the third and fourth sessions, where the discussions on “The future of public, the situation of a Republic” will be discussed. In this session, Yüksel Genç will answer the questions "What do women want", Aslı Odman "What do the workers want", Mustafa Aslan "What do Alevis want" and Tayip Temel will answer the questions "What do the Kurds want". Livan Orman will talk about what young people want at the conference, while Pakrat Estukyan will give an opinion on what minorities want. The conference, where a microphone will be extended to Ecehan Balta with the title of "Ecological community opportunity", will end with the final declaration to be announced after Haluk Levent's discussions on the possibilities of a Democratic Participatory economy.
MA / Fırat Can Arslan