Thousands of women cried out from Ankara: State will give an account

ANKARA - Thousands of women, who broke through the barricades despite all the obstacles of the police, shouted slogans of "It's not a disaster, it's a murder, the state will give an account" at the Feminist Night March.
Thousands of women, who came together under the leadership of Ankara Women's Platform and Feminist Night March Organization, came together on Sakarya Street for the "Feminist Night Parade" held on March 8, International Women's Day every year. Drawing attention to the earthquake disaster that took place on February 6, women shouted slogans such as "Murder, not disaster, the state will give an account", "We will destroy the rentier state", "Government will resign", "Women do not want war" and "Jin, jiyan, azadi". The banners "Dem dema jin, jiyan azadiye".
In the first place, a barricade was put in front of the women gathered for the march to try to prevent it. Despite the obstacles of the police, the women who crossed the barricades carried out their marches accompanied by slogans. Many women's organizations and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Ankara Deputy Filiz Kerestecioğlu participated in the march.
In the statement made after the slogans and the march, it was noted that the state did not act after the earthquakes on February 6 and that it was responsible for the deaths.
Referring to the negligence of the state in the earthquakes, the statement said. "On the night of February 6, with another earthquake of 7.7 magnitude and 7.6 on the same day, tens of thousands of people lost their lives in Syria and in 11 provinces of Turkey, and hundreds of thousands were left under collapse. The palace regime did not act in the first 36 hours, which is extremely critical in the search and rescue efforts, causing tens of thousands of people to die due to negligence. By closing the border gates in Syria, it has driven tens of thousands of people to death, and tried to prevent our solidarity with Syrian women, girls and LGBTI+s. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their spouses, children, loved ones, homes, villages and cities. The state did not listen to the warnings of scientists and chose to ignore the reports prepared by its own institutions, and did not take a stance in favor of life and keeping it alive with a political choice. We are being killed for the interests and ambitions of the rulers and capital. But it shouLd be known that we will be reborn an equal, free and secure life in our interlocking hands that will illuminate the darkness imposed on us by the male-dominated state with solidarity.
The statement continued as follows: “The shelters and violence prevention mechanisms, which are extremely inadequate for women in the current situation, are completely out of the state's agenda due to earthquakes. Lonely women, LGBTI+s and refugee women are exposed to more violence and usurpation of their right to life, dying on the streets because they cannot find a home and shelter. Women are forced to stay in the same place with the men they are divorced and subjected to violence in the earthquake zone and in the places they migrated, they are left alone with harassment and male violence in precarious environments, and the news of abuse against children comes to the fore. Hundreds of children are handed over to the sects by the hand of the state. We urgently demand the establishment of women's tents, and the functioning of shelters and mechanisms to combat violence.