Final Newroz: Abdullah Öcalan will come to Amed

  • actual
  • 16:08 22 March 2023
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AMED - Women attending the final Newroz in Amed(Diyarbaır) said: “We are in the footsteps of our leader. I hope he will come to Amed and lead us.”
The demand for freedom for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan left its mark in Amed, where the final of 2023 Newroz, celebrated with the motto "Everywhere is Newroz, Always Freedom" was held. One of the important segments in the field was women. The women we held a microphone in the field conveyed their feelings and thoughts about Newroz.
Remziye Yakut, who started her speech by reacting to the Imrali isolation, said: "We missed Öcalan so much. There is no life without Apo leader. Nothing happens without the Apo leader. If our leader emerges, a great peace will come. The Kurdish Question must be resolved now. The state says, 'There is no Kurdish Question, there are no Kurds'. If the leadership is abandoned, the suffering of the Kurds will also end. The Kurds have always suffered until now. As long as we are alive, we will protect our leader, our Kurdishness, and we will always celebrate Newroz.”
Cemile Demirkıran, who condemned the fact that Abdullah Öcalan was not allowed to meet with his family and lawyers, said: “They do not allow anyone to meet with him. Is this Muslim? They do not persecute in the name of Islam. When someone raises their head, they are thrown into the dungeon. However, they should know that we do not end with arrest or killing. The state should release our leader, that's enough. If Erdogan had been in prison that long, he would have gone mad by now. I hope Öcalan will come to Amed and lead us. We are in the footsteps of our leader."
Reminding what happened after the Maraş-centered earthquakes, Demirkan said: “We are in a difficult situation. The cruelty of state is always upon us. Hopefully this time it will come to an end."
Stating that Abdullah Öcalan's freedom is important for world peace, Fatma Timur said: "I want to meet with our leader and he should be free. So many people have come here. The Kurds exist and will exist. The cruelty should be stopped. Our leader should be set free. We will be lifted from the isolation with so many people coming here. I hope we will succeed."