Bar Association President: 5 police officers are also responsible for torture

  • actual
  • 15:26 31 March 2023
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DİYARBAKIR- Stating that public officials are trying to cover up the crime with the release of 2 of the police officers who tortured Y.D in Lîce, Amed Bar Association President Nahit Eren said: "5 police officers are also responsible for torture."
The release of two of the perpetrators of 14-year-old Y.D., who was tortured by 4 policemen while returning to his home on Newroz on March 21 in the Lîce district of Amed(Diyarbakır), brought the torture and impunity policies of law enforcement officers in Kurdistan back to the agenda. Amed Bar Association President Nahit Eren evaluated the release of the police who tortured the child and the policies of impunity.
Reminding that the child was exposed to both physical and psychological violence, Eren said: "As the bar association lawyers and family lawyers, they filed a criminal complaint with the Lice Chief Public Prosecutor's Office from the very first moment, after the torture incident was reflected in the press; tereupon, Lice Chief Public Prosecutor issued a detention order for 5 police officers. Three of the police officers were detained in Ankara and two in Lice. While 3 of the police officers were arrested without injury, the other 2 policemen were released on the grounds that there was no suspicion of any crime. We have made the necessary appeal processes for the released police officers."
Pointing out that the policy of impunity has been continuing in the region for years, especially for the crimes committed by such public officials, Eren said: “It is a practice we know, unfortunately we have seen it in this file, and its signs have appeared before us again. In particular, the fact that the prosecutor's office did not send the police for the crime of torture, only to lead the police to arrest for the crimes of injury and honoring freedom, is actually an effort of public officials to cover up the crime, which is also intended to be veiled. As a matter of fact, both the peace judges set aside the honor of freedom and made an arrest warrant for 3 police officers without injuring them. Although 3 people were arrested, there is actually a protection mechanism. There is a typical crime of torture in the file, there is a physical intervention and there is an intervention that is mentally torture. These are implementations that are incompatible with human dignity; however, the prosecutor's office or the investigating judge did not want to see the torture."
Eren said: "The torture inflicted is a torture described by all international documents. The two policemen, who were released only because the police were given an arrest warrant for injury, were sitting in the front of the vehicle, that is, they were not in the common rear part of the armored vehicle, so they were released on the basis that they would not have battered the child. There can be no such thing, all that ambush, detention is done by a commissioner. In fact, he is the chief of all the police there and he is the number one responsible for these works. The person we call cognition in administrative criminal law. The most competent person among those who have committed a crime together. So if you're the commissioner, why do you allow such crimes? In other words, as long as his view of the issue is not seen as a crime of torture, you cannot legally get out of this situation by saying "I only detected the beating and I am arresting him". There is a collective will to commit the crime of torture together. They acted together. There are 5 police officers involved in this whole process, and 5 of them are responsible. In this sense, they left the two policemen with the point of view of the very committed act. However, we have made our objections that they should be treated as crimes of torture and we are following the legal process.”
Ismail Akkuş, Emre Özcan and Gökhan Bay, who were among the police officers who abducted and tortured 14-year-old Y.D. on March 21 in the Licê district of Amed, were arrested on the charge of "deliberate injury" on March 26, while the other 2 police officers were first released. The arrest issued on appeal for the police was again lifted. Police Chief Aykut Oral and police officer Hayrettin Çakmak, who were released upon the objections of the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and the complainants' MPs, were arrested, but the Lice Criminal Court of Peace released them on condition of judicial control.
MA / Mehmet Güleş