Dr. Savary: Türkiye uses chemical weapons

VAN - Stating that Turkey used chemical weapons in the Federated Kurdistan Region, IPPNW Switzerland President Dr. Peppe Savary said: "All the evidence we have is sufficient for us to say this, but we cannot prove it officially because we are not allowed to enter the region."
It has recorded that Turkey frequently uses chemicals and poisonous gases in its attacks against the PKK. Chemical attacks that started in the 90s have continued to this day. The chemical attacks of the Turkish Armed Forces were recorded in Ballıkaya village of Silopiya on May 11, 1999, in Çelê (Çukurca) district of Colemêrg in 2009, and in Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district on July 31, 2011. Many civilians lost their lives as a result of the use of chemical weapons in the attacks carried out in the Serêkaniyê region of Northern and Eastern Syria in 2019. After Turkey launched attacks on Zap, Metina and Avaşîn regions on April 17, 2022 in partnership with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), there were numerous chemical attacks. While the attacks are still continuing, the People's Defense Center (HSM) announced that 17 HPG and YJA-Star members lost their lives due to the use of chemical weapons in August, September and October 2022. Images of 2 HPG members who died after being exposed to chemical weapons were also published. After the images were released, Physicians International for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) traveled to the Federated Kurdistan Region to study the use of chemical weapons.
President of IPPNW Switzerland, who went to Kurdistan at different times and made statements regarding the use of chemical weapons, and also Spokesperson of the Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Initiative in Switzerland. Peppe Savary evaluated the issue to our agency.
Stating that he went to the areas where chemicals were used with chemical expert Hans Blix, Savary said: "We went to the area to collect evidence of the use of chemical weapons, but our entry to the area was blocked by the governor of the KDP; however, we were able to reach the family of a village boy who had burns on his body due to chemicals. The data on this child and village that we have reached has made a sound in the world. So much so that the Turkish military was careful not to be obvious when using these weapons, because they understood that we could impose sanctions on them. Unfortunately, there was no state we could contact diplomatically; however, if a state applies to the OPCW or the United Nations, the use of chemical weapons is investigated. The U.S. applied for an investigation into the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Unfortunately, the Kurds do not have a state, so it is impossible to ask about it."
Stating that they were in contact with the local people when they went to the region, Savary said: “We didn't have any direct evidence. Even if we have some evidence, our evidence was not enough to prove it, but officially these are chemical weapons. The substances used are considered chemicals in international agreements. There was a village 20 kilometers from where the chemicals were used, but local officials did not allow us to go there. I think it's because the evidence is still out there. The PKK made statements about the use of chemical weapons. I think the PKK's statements are correct, but unfortunately, we cannot prove it officially."
Reminding that they presented their investigations in the region as a report, Savary said: “Our report is a public report and all states have read it. I believe that even the Turkish state has read it. We prepared the report, but the states are not doing anything about Erdogan's chemical weapons. They did everything necessary for Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons because he was in a politically powerless position. They also did everything to prevent the use of chemical weapons by troops like Russia and Syria. Germany, which owns the technology of these chemical weapons, Switzerland, the country of the Red Cross convention, but they do nothing because Erdoğan has refugee trump cards. Erdoğan said his army is the fourth largest in NATO. In other words, no one wants to investigate Erdogan's use of chemical weapons at the moment."
Stating that international powers can only investigate if Erdogan loses the election, Savary said: "Let's hope he loses in the election, because then his position will not be as it is now. We, as IPPNW, will do our best. I think the election in Turkey can change the situation. But maybe if there is a change in the government, I think a new government in Turkey will not continue to use chemical weapons, maybe even a peaceful solution will be found for this conflict."
Stating that the first step after the election should be the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Savary said: “The next step is for Öcalan to be free. His freedom is the key to the solution of the Kurdish question. Just as we saw the solution in South Africa with the liberation of Mandela, the solution for the freedom of the Kurds is Öcalan. The Democratic Socialist Confederalism model is fair and the solution to problems, but there are four dictators in the four parts where the Kurds live. Öcalan's freedom is the key to the liberation of the entire Middle East.
MA / Berivan Kutlu